Category Archive:Moose Nuggets

I am on the last few days of a wonderful trip to Texas. I came for business – which took up the first few days. Then I visited with my aunt and uncle – which was a blessing.

So hard to leave them because this may be our last meeting – at least here on this plane. As you can imagine, it was bittersweet both to see and to leave. I am thankful for their son-in-law who has taken on a gargantuan task of caring for them in his home. His wife, their only daughter, passed away a few years ago.

While in Austin for business I was delighted to meet an online friend – Fran Hart and we had a lovely time visiting over the biggest steak I have eaten in a long while. (can we say Texas?) Lovely to find someone with like mind and spirit.

While visiting the elders in Mansfield, I got together with another long-time internet buddy (we think it’s been at least 10 years we’ve “known” each other) Corina, aka TX Skatemom. We had decided a good (slow) walk was in order. She had just completed the OK Memorial marathon (you can read about it at her blog) and I am, while getting in shape, still slow. We went to a park with a 1 mile marked loop (pay attention, Kenai) and started off . . . finishing two laps later. Yes, that woman encouraged me enough that I completed 2 miles.

Well, you can’t do all that without some food, so off we went to BFF Bistro and ate on the patio near the fountain. YUMMO Asian quisine – and, equally yummo waiter, Westin. Thanks for a lovely time, Corina.

After a morning last visit with the elders I headed back to the hotel to check out and meet up with Ms. Shelly Tucker. We talked and talked all the way to Denton. There I was given a quick drive through town with a stop at Viet Bites where we had some delightful Vietnamese quisine – again on the patio where we could catch whatever breeze there might be. We walked around the square and stopped for ice cream at Beth Marie’s Old Fashioned Ice Cream. We poked our noses into some shops – including an old fashioned candy shop. Not quite penny candy anymore, but reminiscent.

After settling in and meeting the mister we visited a bit over catfish, shrimp and other delights at Hootchie’s Oyster House.

You would think I would never eat again, but we are up and ready for today’s adventure which includes a stop at the coffee shop and a drive to Ft. Worth.

Pictures after I get back home. Thanks to everyone who has so far made my visit to Texas quite lovely.

p.s. I just have to laugh. I looked at the upper right corner and am greeted with “Howdy, PurpleMoose.” How fitting for Texas.

sergey vyaltsev / Nature Photos / CC BY-NC-SA

Moira swayed, eyes closed and hands reaching toward the sky.

“Oh, Mother Ireland, I love ye”, she keened; “I love ye, but I must leave ye. Tis time, tis time. Tis time for Moira to make her way into the Promised Land of America’s green shores.”

Keevan O’Donaugh watched as tears streamed down Moira’s upturned cheeks, wondering at the ecstasy rocking her in time.

“Moira, me darling. Can you hear me? Come out of this vision and come back to poor Keevan’s arms where you belong.”

Moira started, then shuddered as if to shake off the remains of the dream.

“Ah, Keevan, love. I’m here. I’m here. But I cannot stay. America is callin’ me. Do come with me, do.”
Ecstasy . . . that state of being that Trifecta’s editors asked us to fall into this week.

We have a century of writers in my family; grandmother, mother, myself, daughter and granddaughter. Taking charge of words before they are lost, we give them to you, to the world as our gift, our blessing.

I’m running a little dry of the blessings and gifts, but these are the words I came up with today to answer the Trifextra Weekend Challenge:
This weekend we’re asking for exactly 33 of your own words plus the following three words:
• charge
• century
• lost
So 33 of yours plus 3 of ours means that everyone will have a 36 word response this time around.

Wash behind your ears
Clean between your toes

Don’t chew your fingernails
Don’t pick your nose

Don’t cross your eyes
Your face will surely freeze

Remember, cover your mouth
Whenever you must sneeze

Trifecta’s weekend challenge asked for some advice. I haven’t read anyone else’s advice, but I wouldn’t be TOO surprised if someone doesn’t say something along this line. Edited to add another couplet to rhyme “freeze”. It is said that a poem is never finished, just abandoned.

Not part of the original 33, but added because I don’t want to miss an opportunity to do so – esp. after the full month I have had with training and Alaska Governor Sean Parnell’s 4th annual Choose Respect event, I give you the following advice I would offer a son, if I had one – and what I say to my grandsons.
My Son

If you ask for the cherry
from her sundae and
she says No
honor that No
Someday she may offer it
Treat the offer with respect
Always respect
Always love
Always, my son

🙂 enjoy . . . and do go over to check out the newest editor and even try your hand at wisdom sharing.

once again proving I have eclectic tastes . . . following up on my Easter haiku, here is a piece for Lance’s 100 Word song. The song of the week is Dead Sara’s Sorry for It All.

Cold wind cut through my jacket. Standing on a street corner at 5 below isn’t pleasant, especially not dressed as I was. Alfonzo picked out tonight’s outfit: pink mini with yellow tights, white go-go boots, topped by fuchsia jean jacket and black bustier. He chose the blonde wig, too. Says the johns like long curls.

“Damn, Stacey, it’s coldern’ a witches teat out here tonight. Ain’t ‘lonzo got any sense ‘tall?” Margot ground out a cigarette, shivered and walked to a waiting car.

“I don’t care what this guy offers, Stace. If he’s got a workin’ heater I’m getting’ in.”