March 27th, 2019 / Categories:
Moose Nuggets /
Awhile back I set up a countdown app on my phone . . . I was counting down the days until I finished my work career.
Now, mind you, I have worked all my adult life – well, if you consider the age of 14 as part of an adult life. Yep, started working in a shirt laundry when I was 14. Did it to help pay for my first year’s tuition at the catholic high school. Went on to work in the kitchen of the hospital prepping patient trays. And, onward to different jobs, both full time and part time. All the while I was birthing and raising our two babies.
Long story longer . . . I have been working in the non-profit world since 2001. Prior to that I volunteered for the organization in various ways. I will be 70 in January and I figured that was a good time to call it quits. It would depend on whether our two remaining big bills would be paid off or not. Looks like we will be close, but not quite. As a result I am moving that countdown further back. And, that is okay. The new goal is to finish paying off the house and the car, then sock some extra money away.
I have two other countdowns going on the app. The first is set for when we leave for Ohio April 30. It has been several years since both of us have been back to our beginnings. Hubby was back last year. This time we will be celebrating our 50th anniversary with family and friends. We hope to take some side trips to visit with those who will not be able to come to party with us.
The third countdown is the one leading to our big date . . . May 10th will be our 50th anniversary. 43 days away. Our girls are hosting a party for us on the 11th.
This is the anniversary that did not look like would happen. I am fond of telling everyone that “he’s a lucky man” when they look surprised that we’re nearing that 50 year mark. But, in reality we are both so blessed. People who experience widow makers generally do not come out on the other side. Hubby did. Marriages do not all make it as long as ours has. Things happen and if there is not a connectivity, a tenacity to hold on, marriages can crumble.
We’ve had our stumbles along the way. We’ve had great blessings and joys along the way. Lord willing we will make it to and surpass the 50th.
The secret to a long marriage? Some days it is as simple as going to bed married and waking up married. Other days it is all joy. Choices. Love. Joy.
Counting down . . . and counting beyond.