Category Archive:Moose Nuggets

We all have demons. Mostly we keep them tempered and out of sight of everyone. We try doubly hard to keep demons at bay where our loved ones are concerned.

For the most part.

And, then there is that one time when they fly – right out of your brain through your heart and out of your mouth. They, set free, wreak havoc on all those around.

Hearts are twisted. Loves are deflated. Relationships are harmed.

All for that one word set free from the demon’s mouth.

Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow I will temper my demons.


We’ll see.

Written for Ms. Tara’s 100 Word Challenge. The word, as you might have guessed, is DEMON. Now, go and write your own.

It slinks into my life
Sensuous as a snake
It coils and undulates
Around my heart
Carving into my soul
Unbidden emotion –
My tears fall
Free? So costly those tears
My heart is wrenched
My being is carved by
The near loss of you
I thrill to your nearness
I blush with the sudden heat
At the thought of you
So close to losing you
Why this unbidden grief?
Why these tears?
Thankful is what I feel
When I am not feeling the pain
Of that near miss
I am ever thankful for you
Thankful for this past year

Valentine's dinner smooch 2016

Valentine’s dinner smooch 2016

A year ago today my hubby had a cardiac arrest that nearly took him away from us. We are so thankful for his recovery.

Adding to my emotional upheaval, today I learned my aunt passed away last night. She was my mother’s youngest sister and my namesake, only 18 when I was born. I am even more thankful now that I was able to visit her a few years ago. She was the last of the family. We move on from here, with love and memories of her.

Written for Ms. Tara’s 100 Word Challenge: Emotion

I make gentle fun of my oldest daughter and her friends. I also make fun of my assistant.

You may well ask why I would do that. Just turn on any news network to hear about the latest craze sweeping the world.

I’ve lived through my fair share of crazes: Beatlemania, troll dolls, etc. I hate to be a fuddy-duddy about it all, but I guess I am. There are bigger things in the world to worry about. I know this craze is helping to take people’s minds off those bigger things. Maybe that’s a good thing.

Pikachu for President!
Pikachu pres

written for Tara’s 100 Word Challenge – go thou and do likewise.

My heart is heavy tonight. I seek answers that are not available.

Another young person committed suicide this week, the second this week. Our community is small. We all know someone who knew someone who knew these young people. Or, we knew them ourselves.

We share tears and deep sadness tonight asking the questions that will never be able to be answered. Because they took the questions AND the answers with them.

All we can do is reach out in love and compassion to the rest of the community. We care. You are worthy. You are loved.

Let us in.

written with sadness for Tara’s 100 Word Challenge: Search.

Suicides often cluster. Our community had several just a few months ago. And, now these two. I am praying there will be no more.

“Don’t call me hillbilly,” Grandma always told us. “I was raised in Kentucky. I’m a hill-William!”

My sister and I giggled and plotted the next time we could raise her ire.

You see, there is the South, complete with gentle southerners; and there are the hills where gun-toting, moonshine-swilling, revenooer-hating hillbillies lived.

I grew up in the city surrounded by concrete, humanity and black-belching buses, from “the Bottoms,” a neighborhood mostly forgotten by the rest of Columbus. Nevertheless, it was not country – or hillbilly heaven – or southern.

They each have their place. I’m a city girl. My place was home.

Written for Tara’s 100 Word Challenge: SOUTH. My sister and I loved to get Grandma’s ire up. Calling her hillbilly was just one of many ways.