Category Archive:Moose Nuggets

There is power. And, then there is power.

I work in an educational program for men who are court ordered because of violence they perpetrated on their partners.

During classes we discuss Power and Control issues the men have displayed and how they can only change their own behaviors.

Stressful work as you might expect. To counteract that stress I work out. I do CrossFit. Three mornings a week next to those who can lift heavier (or not) than I. Next to those in better shape (or not) than I. Today I did Power Snatches. I like this power better.
Written for Tara’s 100 Word Challenge. The prompt, as you might figure, is POWER. I do scaled movements in my CrossFit attempts. I work more on position and form sometimes than in lifting heavy. My goal is to someday be able to lift heavier, but I am thrilled when I hear my coach shout out in the middle of a WOD (Workout of the Day), “Great job on that snatch, Barbara!”

Today my hands are a bit sore. I didn’t tear, but rubbed the callouses a bit with the bar. See the picture below. ๐Ÿ™‚
IMAG2962_1 (640x440)

Hour upon hour. Minute upon minute. They tick down while I tick down. Getting older is not for sissies, you see. There will be doctors. There will be medicines. There will be little twinges letting you know this is not your first hour here. But the bright side? It is not your finishing either. Enjoy these hours. Give them your utmost. Listen to the birds. Revel in the wind. Twirl like no one else is. Greet the next genesis of you with joy. Enjoy their smiles, their hugs, their love. Spurred on by love, conquer the world.
the above drivel about aging and grandchildren is written for Tara’s latest 100 Word challenge . . . to write 100 words without using the letter A. Seriously? Harder than you think. I mean, look at all the A’s in this after-word. Right?

Thanks for the challenge, Tara.
no a

Extra glasses. Check
Enough underwear to clothe poor kids in foreign countries. Check
Medication. Check
Food. Enough to feed an army. Check
Slippers. Check
Books (never to be read รขโ‚ฌโ€œ who had time?) Check

As we unpacked each item we shook our heads and chuckled. Today we laugh even harder. All of us do. At that time we feared one of us would never see the humor. (he lived!)

When I drove to Anchorage to be with my heART I forgot my meds. Daughter packed a box. I shall forever be grateful for her kindness. And all those underwear. Oh my.

the box

written for the 100 Word prompt LIST. Thanks, Tara.

My heART and I travelled to Hawaii for our 35th anniversary and met some online friends, enjoying their state from their perspective.

The dream awakened. Why not try to meet ALL of my online friends! Hubby told me to be careful and gave his blessing.

Since then I have traveled to Indiana, Texas, California, and Massachusetts. This time next week I will be in South Carolina to be followed by a stop in Georgia before heading home.

True friendships can be made online. I look forward to exploring more in the coming years, as finances allow. Will you be next?

written for Tara’s 100 Word Challenge. The prompt is DREAM. Now, go and give me 100.

photo of the gate to Boston Common. Taken while in Boston in October 2014.

photo of the gate to Boston Common. Taken while in Boston in October 2014.

The old man nodded as the youngster dropped pennies and dimes into his cup. Her raven curls bobbed as she ran back to her mother. Her laughter rang out as she turned back and proffered a quick wave in return.

Many people passed by the old man as he sat there on the sidewalk in the center of town. Several of those many people dropped the odd 20 or single into his hat.

But none on that day touched his heart like the little girl with bobbing curls. Her musical laughter filled his heart with joy for many a day afterward.

borrowed from the Dublin Music  Buskers page

borrowed from the Dublin Music Buskers page

Written for Tara’s 100 Word Challenge. The word this week is CHANGE. I used it as a noun rather than a verb. Actually, it is inferred as a noun in the piece, while used as a verb in the title. See what I did there? Thanks, Tara!!