Category Archive:Moosin Around

the more they stay the same

It has been very quiet in my town the past couple of weeks. There is much less traffic on the highway behind my house. Much of that is due to people hunkering down and staying home. Ahhh Covid-19. Many people have lost their jobs.

I am more fortunate in my workplace. I was sent home, but I am drawing administrative leave pay for the hours I am not actively involved in work. I am not sure how long the agency can afford to do that, however. I can do limited things at home – check email, check court records, etc. But all of my files are in my office and I cannot access them. We have not gotten rid of paper files.

But what adds to the quiet in the ‘hood is the lack of airplanes flying over my house. We are on the flight path and generally have flyovers every hour. No longer. The major airline – the one that serves the entire state – recently has filed bankruptcy. They first reduced their flights by 90%, parking most of their fleet. A week or so later they parked all of them.

the same . . . I am reminded of 9-11. The week following I would sit in my home office and blog about how quiet the world outside my window was. As now, there were no planes flying overhead. We were all hunkered down in front of our televisions wondering what was next. Would Alaska, with its major military bases, be on the list for an attack? We were quietly waiting.

Then, as now, people were reaching out to do whatever they could to help. Many of us lined up at the blood bank willing to donate a life source. I spent several days there registering the many people who came through.

Today, we are again looking for ways to help. The blood bank is in Anchorage and we cannot drive out of the community, so that is out until the blood mobile comes back into our area.

But my neighbors!!!! They are rock stars. Neighbors reaching out to others and doing a weekly shop, going to the pharmacy, writing encouraging notes, checking in. Sewers and non-sewers are making masks for everyone to use if they need to go out on those runs – or go to work. We are crocheting bands with buttons to relieve the ears of those who are masked. We are making contributions to the food bank and other agencies in need. We are ordering take out to help our neighbors who own restaurants. We are attending worship virtually.

We are in this for the long haul. This is our new normal. This type of thing will bring out the best in people . . . or the worst in people. (It’s what inside us that comes out)

To those who might be reading this, I say thank you for being who you are. Thank you for the efforts you are making. Thanks for befriending me. Thanks for keeping me smiling even when I don’t feel like it. Thanks for not unfriending me when I send you the latest pun that has tickled my funny bone. 🙂

Stay safe, y’all. Stay home. And, when you must go out, stay covered. We’re all in this together.

What’s that you say? You thought the challenge was only 40 days? Well, you are correct, sir. Congratulations. However, why waste the start of a good thing is what I would like to know.

You don’t, of course. My goal is to continue this as a new lifestyle. There are changes just waiting to be seen.

For instance: my knees no longer hurt! I mean, seriously – they no longer hurt. Now, that is not directly due to the challenge. It is mostly due to Coach Nikki and I working hard at getting them to the point that they no longer hurt. She has been wrapping my knees with her voo-doo band whenever I’m in the gym. Now I do the wrapping and she oversees to make sure it is done correctly. After two minutes, the wrap comes off and I walk about in the gym making sure my toes are pointed forward instead of duck walking like I used to do. (especially with my right foot.) I can’t tell you how many times I would come home after a great workout and have trouble bending my knees to sit after standing in the shower, standing to dry my hair, standing to do my breakfast . . . this week I noticed that is not happening any longer!!! Whoot!!! Article on using voodoo bands

But, that is not even the biggest change. This one can pretty much be attributed directly to the past 45 days of learning to eat clean, reducing sodium and refined sugars . . . at my eye exam last week I discovered my blood pressure was extremely low (for me) at 88/54. Ummm, yes. You read that correctly.

I had to place a call to my doctor to see if she wanted to see me sooner than my normal time in October. Spoke with the nurse, scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. Then the nurse called me back yesterday and said, nope, an appointment is not needed. We will lower the dosage on one of your meds and see you in October, unless you feel you need to come in sooner.

After years of having my BP in the 135-140 range (top number) and 90s range (bottom number) I can only attribute this to the past 45 days. article on blood pressure

Now do you see why I intend to continue?

Thanks Coach Nikki and Crossfit Certitude!!!


We were 19 – young, scared, in love, full of ourselves. We had the world at our fingertips and, rushed headlong to meet it. We were barely out of diapers, looking back.

But, we had each other and were ready for whatever the world would throw at us:

In sickness and in health . . .

That title up there? Bonus Anniversary #2? July 31, 2015 almost saw the end of us. The “us” we knew. A cardiac arrest almost took my heART away from me. But, with the grace of God and the hands of the surgeons and doctors He placed in our way he survived. And, for that, we are grateful.

And with that, we celebrate not only our 48th wedding anniversary, but it is our second bonus anniversary.

We will be going to Homer for a couple of nights to rest and relax and just BE together in the place we hope to call home someday.

Valentine's dinner smooch 2016

Valentine’s dinner smooch 2016


“Don’t say you’re sorry,” said my coach. “You’re still learning. You’ll get this.”

I wasn’t too convinced that I would ever figure out what a “clean” was. Or a “jerk”. Or a KBS.

But that was then – about three years ago. I’ve discovered that within this nearly 67 year old body lies a beast waiting, raring actually, to come out and prove itself. Not to others, but to me!

I can do it; with commitment and hard work, and lots of 5:30 a.m. classes. I’m getting stronger. Bolder. CrossFit is fun. Yeah, I said it. Come play with me.
Tara asked for 100 words with “Sorry” as the prompt. (Word says this is 100 – WordPress says 98 – we’ll go with this anyway)

If you’re ever in my neck of the woods, come play with me at CrossFit Certitude. 5:30 a.m. classes are a hoot. Really. Don’t believe me? Yeah, come play with me. You’ll see.

My heART and I travelled to Hawaii for our 35th anniversary and met some online friends, enjoying their state from their perspective.

The dream awakened. Why not try to meet ALL of my online friends! Hubby told me to be careful and gave his blessing.

Since then I have traveled to Indiana, Texas, California, and Massachusetts. This time next week I will be in South Carolina to be followed by a stop in Georgia before heading home.

True friendships can be made online. I look forward to exploring more in the coming years, as finances allow. Will you be next?

written for Tara’s 100 Word Challenge. The prompt is DREAM. Now, go and give me 100.

photo of the gate to Boston Common. Taken while in Boston in October 2014.

photo of the gate to Boston Common. Taken while in Boston in October 2014.