Category Archive:Moosin Around

to make the cashier look at you just a wee bit funny!

Drove over to Soldotna Tuesday to buy a new bathing suit – it is amazing how quickly the chlorine wears out suits, btw!

What with the price of gas and such, it was only a GREAT deal (50% off) that would have me making an extra trip to the next town (24 miles is 24 miles after all – round trip, that is). And, it was only that great deal – in the week prior to payday – that would have me robbing the Hawaii fund to purchase the suit.

I’ve mentioned before that I save my change, roll it and take it to the bank to put it into a special HAWAII FUND for the trip I am planning to make the year I turn 60 (and it is closing in quickly, I might add!) About 6 months after I began saving change I started adding folding money also – saving ones and sometimes fives.

So, I grabbed all the folding money before heading off to Soldotna.

Can you imagine – oh, please do – the look on the cashier’s face when I handed her the suit, watched her ring it up, then handed her a (nicely folded) wad of ones?!!? It was priceless!

She acted like she could hardly bring herself to TOUCH the bills, let alone count them out – even though I counted them right in front of her and had stacked them neatly into piles of ten – she watched me handle them, but could barely contain the snarl of her lips as she picked them up to count them herself.
I just know – and Ladybug even laughed with me this morning as I modeled the new suit and told the tale – that the poor cashier was thinking – “OMG! She’s pretty old to be stripping!”

LOL – honey-chile, that’s not the ONLY way to get one dollar bills! (I’ll let Ladybug tell you what SHE thought the cashier might have been thinking.)

Priceless, I tell you, priceless! I love living in a small town.

shrinking woman!

look closely at these two pictures . . . count, if you will, the lines above the heads of the two women in the pictures. You would THINK that Ms. Thang would be smiling because . . .

she is (at least) one inch taller than her gramma!!!!!

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pictures taken at the Ohio Historical Society Museum in Columbus, Ohio. This is the museum which houses the mummy behind which said gramma received her first kiss (awwwwwwwww) when she was only 15 . . . from the hubbymoose, btw . . . who was also 15 at the time.

Again with the awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

but will you just LOOK at how short the moosie is getting! Sheesh! I used to be 5′ 41/2″ – somewhere along the line I lost an inch and she found it! Too bad all that height is going to my girth. lol

We had a great time – this despite the red devil eyes on Ms. Thang and her look of abject misery at (once again) being photographed by her doddering (short) gramma.


hubby moose and I reinacted “the kiss” for her – at her request – so she could get a shot. Unfortunately (or maybe not) that picture is on HER camera.

and, about the angle of my head. Hubby mentioned that I might have been tilting it backwards and so it just seemed that I was an inch shorter. Awww, isn’t he sweet? Even if I had been tilting my head one way or another – the girl is STILL taller than I am. (much to my dismay) but thanks for trying, hubby.

If the 6th graders at the nearby middle school are willing to stand outside in the rain . . .


and wash cars – well, then by golly, we will take BOTH vehicles over to be washed. AND, take pictures, too. AND, send said pictures to the newspaper and tv station. 😉

Because we can.


Because hubby LOVES 6th graders – they are TOO much fun, he says.

And, you know – by the time we left with the van and came back past the first driveway to go home, the SAME 6th graders who had just washed both vehicles were standing out there trying to get us to come in AGAIN!

See, I told you, said hubby moose, they’re EVERYWHERE!


we live in Alaska – we make our OWN fun!