Another installment of my trip to Boston – some of the foliage, animals/water fowl, and characters I came across along the way. Oh, the hilarity that ensued.

One of the things I wanted to do for sure was to find the Edgar Allen Poe statue, which was unveiled the Sunday before my arrival. There was a sign asking people not to climb on top of the statue, but nothing said I couldn’t give him a hug. (smile) The visit to Cheers was accidental (Oh, there it is!) and sadly, nobody there knew my name. haha. The last two pics were taken at Tremont 647 which we had mostly to ourselves. Loved meeting Brian & Bridget, and Beth and Danny. They, of course already knew Shelley. Our waiter was Shaun and everyone decided he and I needed a pic together as well.

Fall colors! In Alaska we don’t see the vibrant reds so I was thrilled. The squirrel? About twice the size of those in Alaska. And, B-I-G trees! The trunk was huge – I placed my cell phone there for comparison. And, of course I needed pics of the mounted park rangers. Saw lots of dog walkers, but this guy took the award for wrangling the largest group. He was a good neighbor, too . . . pausing to bag and tag the excrement along the way. I also saw several groups of children being walked through the Common as well as near my hotel. I didn’t get really good pictures, however. It was really cute – walkers would hold onto handles attached to ropes. Younger kiddos would be in multi seated strollers all strapped in. And, ALL of them were happy and chattering. Nice to see.

Water, as always draws me. Lots of that around me while wandering through Boston Common and the Public Gardens.