Category Archive:Moosin Around

She blew into the room as fast as lightening. Brown eyed bombshell with big hair from here to Texas, she was. And my heart stopped. I was smitten. I had to be hers.

lobstar28 / / CC BY-NC-ND

Trifextra challenge: use hyperbole in a 33 word piece. Texas is on my brain (I get to travel there in April) and I know some big haired gals from there. So, this is what came out. Hope it fits the definition.

Remember this post?

Thought I would give you an update as to where I am in knitting dishy/washy wonderfulness for my birthday friends.

Three completed and 1 on the needles . . . . Leave a message on the original post and tell me what YOU will do to pay it forward. I will draw someone(s) on my special day and pay it forward myself with one of these dish/wash cloths. You will simply have to give me a mailing address in order to ship one out to you.

Do let me know how you will pay it forward for my birthday. Comments are closed on this post – please go to the original post to comment.


So long 2012, it was good to see you come, better to see you go. There have been challenges and blessings galore in this year and I’m happy to say I survive to welcome the year 2013.

2012 saw losses in the PurpleMoose clan: hubbymoose lost his last aunt, and one of his very best friends. PM lost her very best friend as well as a long-ago love. Each loss took a piece of our hearts to the grave.

2012 saw blessings as well: grandchildren who are growing, thriving and, even at the age of the eldest (nearing 21), still unashamed to yell my name across a crowded store, following with a giant hug. Daughters are thriving and loving, both old and new loves. Hubbymoose and I will celebrate our 44th anniversary come May 10th.

Something to look forward to in 2013: I will reach the ripe old age of 21. Wait! What? Didn’t you say you had a grandson who will soon be 21? Ah, yes, you caught me out.

January is my birth month. I will turn 63 on the 27th. How did I arrive at 21? Well, my fave number is 3 and 63 divided by 3 is 21.  Yes, yes I am silly. But I am having fun with it.

Want to join in my birthday fun? Want to be a survivor like me? It’s simple. I don’t want presents. I want the joy of seeing you all pass on the joy and love for others. Do a random act of kindness in my birthday honor, then comment below here with what you did. Make sure you leave me your email address so I can reach you later.

Why do I want to reach you? I am going to place the comments into a number generator and pick at least 3. Those 3 people will receive a hand-knitted washcloth/dishcloth from me. My birthday present to YOU.

Game? You have 27 days until my birthday.

With love, the Moose.

The Trifecta challenge this week is survive using the third definition below.

1: to remain alive after the death of (he is survived by his wife)
2: to continue to exist or live after (survived the earthquake)
3: to continue to function or prosper despite : withstand (they survived many hardships)

To celebrate my birthday, I decided to hold a little Random Acts of Kindness challenge – with all commenters taking part. Here is what you might win at the end of the challenge: (it will be completed – promise)

I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a future bright with hope and joy.

Christmas Eve with the grandchilluns . . . almost ALL taller than I am.

and a surprise for Christmas morn . . . 10-12 inches of new snow . . . and a loving group of grands to shovel us out. Love

The news was greeted with sighs and wistful smiles. Hopes pinned on one candidate vanished with the flick of a wrist. Small town politics at its best, the race had been hard fought, harder won. Someone sobbed in his beer. The other hoisted an aged whiskey in salute.

“Good thing this only happens once every four years.”

“You’re right, Harold. If this campaign had lasted one more day you would have had a divorce decree acting as coaster to that glass.”

“Awww, Margie. C’mere and give me a kiss. My people are waiting. You and me, girl. You and me.”

Velvet Verbosity tells about an upcoming nerdery-competition held jointly with writers from the 100 Word Challenge and the Trifecta Writing Challenge, but does not forget to give us a 100 word challenge . . . VANISHED.