Category Archive:poetry

There are times when the darkness is just too great, too powerful, too overwhelming. There are times.

There are times when the light just flows in, flows around, flows through me, you, we.
There are times.

There are times when I’m blinded by the darkness, by the light, by the EVERYthing
There are times.

There are times when you don’t understand, I don’t understand, we cry.
We cry.

And then . . .
There is the you of it. There is the me of it. There is the we of it.
Those times? Those are the times I love best.
Introspection and peace is what VV sought from family camp. It’s hard to explain the whys and hows and such.

I turn towards Redoubt
Rising pinkly against blue sky
The tide rolls in
The silver of dip nets
Sparkle with water drops

Then a cry triumphant
Rings out against the dawn

For three weeks in July the mouth of the Kenai River boils with red salmon. Fish and Game opens a subsistence style fishery for Alaskans. I’ve been following it with pictures on facebook. The above is written for the weekend Trifecta challenge of COLOR.

I stand
At the edge of the water
Ring of flowers drifting
My aloha to you
Ending this stage of our
I will always love you
Miss you forever
My only love

Photo from photo bucket
written for the trifextra weekend challenge . . . use their three words (ring, water, stage) and add 30 more for a perfect trifecta of 33 words. These are mine . . . where are yours?

you are on my last nerve
about to topple off
your high horse
and loop da loop
like a whirlwind
a duster of sorts
bad romance
let’s start over
Hi, my name is . . .
those prompt trifecta editors gave us a doozy for the weekend challenge: they gave us a list of words (topple, paradigm, underneath, nerve, honey, loop) from which to pick three; we were then to add 30 of our own to make the weekend 33. The above are mine . . . now it’s your turn.

He turned water into wine
To save the wedding feast

Alchemy in its purest form
Unexplainable by science

He gathers my tears
Changing them into joy

No wizardry this
Pure, unadulterated, Father’s love

The Trifecta challenge: 33-333 words using ALCHEMY in its 3rd definition. Here are 33 of mine . . . where are yours?