Category Archive:talkin’ to mahself

I am one of three in me:
wife, mother, Gramma
At any given moment I can be one
or all three
Depends on the day
depends on the company
I revel in each

Click for larger views: pic 1 is of hubbymoose and myself with our Moms on that special day. Second row of pics: daughters, son-in-law and grands last Christmas; me with each set of grands, Christmas before last. Yes, I am the shorty in the group. (sigh)
Trifextra Challenge #34: mirror Neil Gaiman’s Fragile Things in 33 words only. Weirdly enough I woke this morning (without having seen the challenge) thinking of myself in this triplet.

September 19, 1978 Hubbymoose, 8 year old Lessa, 3 year old Dragonfly, and I pulled up roots in Ohio and settled into our new life in Kenai, Alaska. Today we have been here 34 years and our roots have settled deep. Added to the family over the years were 3 sons-in-law and 8 grandbabies. We have seen love and loss and friendships and grief here in this Great Land.

We’ve been
– small business owners
– have run for local office
– been bench sitters for both daughters and their progeny
– volunteers for different projects
– motorcyclists and
– Lions

We’ve grown both inwardly and outwardly.

We are where we’re supposed to be.

This is NOT an entry to any of the prompts I usually post to . . . this is me being personal and thankful. I’m proud to be an Alaskan and I’m thankful she has adopted me into her family.

What are you looking for, Angela? Stop – stop and look at me. I’ll help you find it.

You can’t help me. Nobody can help me.

Angela rocked in the seat he’d chosen for her. She wrapped her arms around herself and rocked, rocked, rocked to an inner beat.

Angela, you’re safe here. Nobody here will hurt you. We’ll help you find what you’re looking for. Can you believe that? Can you see that I am telling you the truth?

Sobs burst through her tight lips.

I’m looking for ME! I can’t stop looking or the pieces will all blow away!


My Blog Can Beat Up Your Blog

Lance and LeeRoy, with the help of the newly turned 8 year old “Goose” (Happy birthday!) have chosen a Counting Crows song, Come Around, this week. These are the words I came up with . . . where are yours?

When you overhear ignorance and bigotry what do you do? I am right there with you. I would be in the person’s face decrying that ignorant, intolerant bigotry . . . except . . .

Hubbymoose and I both work for non-profit agencies. We are not in the higher paid positions and so must be careful how we tread among the ignorant, intolerant bigots who live among us. You know the ones I mean – the ones who rant and rave at the top of their lungs in a restaurant full of people.

Our hooves are tied. Speak out – tick the wrong person off – and watch our agencies suffer the backwash. We are not concerned about our jobs, you see. We are more concerned that what we might say would cause problems for our agencies.

Riding down the open road
At speeds past (mumble-dy 3)
The sights, the smells are closer
Than ever before to me

Invigorating, as powerful horses
Thrum beneath my feet
The ground so close you could
Almost taste the passing street

Smelling the smells of spring
Time and time again
Wild roses, white clover
The pavement after rain

Seeing the vistas spread
Side to side – in front of me
Swivel head for safety and
Taking in all I could see

I miss it now that I no
Longer can take part
My motorcycle and I will
Ride forever in my heart
posted for VV’s weekly 100 word challenge: Invigorating.

I started riding when I was 44, having purchased my first motorcycle the day after my second grandchild, first granddaughter, was born. (biker gramma) I rode that bike for over 10,000 miles, then moved up to a larger bike, then a larger bike still. I rode well over 75,000 miles on those three bikes. I miss them, but had to quit when my hands refused to cooperate any longer. Now I write wistfully of riding.
