Category Archive:trifecta

Longest flight ever. Our first. I sat sandwiched in between an 8 year old bubbling with excitement and a 3 year old sobbing because she’d left her beloved blankie behind. Long day ahead.
for the Trifecta weekend challenge: This weekend we are giving you three variations on a prompt. We need you to give us 33 words back, and 2 of those words must be either “cheap flights,” “sandwiched in” or “spectacularly clean.” This weekend, your piece must also be non-fiction (poetry or prose). And yes, we reserve the right to call your mothers and former lovers to ask for verification on your tales.

True story – first plane ride for all three of us – coming to Alaska to join hubbymoose/daddymoose who had come ahead by 2 weeks. There have been better flights since.


Spoon held defiantly.

No peas.

No carrots.

Revolution in a high chair. Someday he’ll eat me out of house and home, eating everything in sight.

For today, he can only say, No!
Trifextra’s 44th challenge is to write only 33 words on rebellion or revolt. Since I’m on a gramma-type kick this weekend . . . the above is what you get.
🙂 Enjoy

Sunrises each morning
over Cook Inlet
Sun sinking behind Mt. Redoubt
Family gathered ‘round
Hubby’s soft snores
Grandchildren who love me
And the One who paid it all
These are my favorite things

after a “racey” challenge at the beginning of the week, the Trifecta editors have asked for 33 words only on our favorite things. This? More my style – so much easier to write. And the picture? Taken by me overlooking “the Bluff” in downtown Kenai 10-3-12.

Those naughty Trifecta editors challenged us to write a bit of erotica for a XXX challenge. I am placing my entry after the cut for those of my few readers who might be offended. If that is you . . . do not click More.


The ants go marching two by two – hurrah, hurrah!

Over and over and over again, Gina sang tunelessly. Greg grabbed his head and moaned. Reaching out with his left hand, he touched her shoulder, stopping her forward progress.

“Gina, please stop. Daddy has a headache.”

He felt a flush of regret as Gina began to rock side to side.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I know you like that song. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Let’s go on home now.”

Gina shrugged and turned with Greg towards the crosswalk. At the corner she stopped and rocked again while they waited for traffic. Greg gasped as Gina broke away and darted through the traffic to the other side of the street.

“Gina, sweetie, what in the world? You scared, Daddy, kiddo. What . . .?”

She stood and rocked back and forth and began to hum another tune, “I love you truly . . .”

Greg looked down to see the tiles and what he’d forgotten was there; a message from Gina’s mom, his life partner. It was the last thing she had done before the accident, laying that tile with a lasting message for them: “Hi, I’m _________________ and I’m completely in love with you.”

He touched his daughter’s shoulder. Together they rocked and hummed, “I love you truly, truly, dear.”
After a group participation challenge earlier in the week, the weekend Trifextra challenge was to write 33-333 words about these three photos:

photos are from the trifecta site.