Category Archive:Velvet Verbosity

The detectives stood over the body; Lt. Monroe kicked his toe in the dirt while his partner, the newest member of the department, struggled with emotion.

“Damn! I hate when it’s kids,” she said. “What the hell is wrong with people these days?”

“Jessie, take it easy. We’ll get the creep,” Monroe assured.

The M.E. bent over the body, checking for wounds and muttering; “Unknown victim. About twelve years old.” He flipped off the recorder and looked at the two detectives. “Look at this, detectives. Her face is caught in a soundless scream. The perp is scum, whoever he is.”
Yes, I watch way too many crime shows on tv. Velvet Verbosity’s 100 word challenge this week is using the word SOUNDLESS. These are my 100. Where are yours?

Granny smiled. “I love seein them younguns rip and tear along, Daddy.”

Granny always called Paps Daddy. He loved it.

“She’s the only one who can call me that,” he’d tell us.

We called him Paps.

The sparkle seemed to go right out of Granny the day we lost Paps. Then she began talking to him like he was still here. She’d whisper in that secret way they shared.

Before he was gone.

Secret things only she could hear. “Oh. I do love you, Daddy, I do.”

She rocked.

Smiled again.

There on the porch all alone.

Alone with Paps.

Photo credit: Universal Pops / / CC BY-NC-SA
Velvert Verbosity has not lost her sparkle . . . she’s been busy and going through some challenging times, but she still shines. Our challenge this week is SPARKLE.

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
A mote in the wind
An atom of rust
My thoughts turn
My eyes look

I long to be touched
But must do without
The priest intones
Prayers unheard
My heart beats on
I seek His true word

What is the touch
I seek from you
What is the word
I wait to hear

Ashes to ashes
I hear again
We all move
Straining backward

The priest reaches out
Pulling me in
I want out
But must go in
Ashed forehead
Solemn soul

My eyes turn
Seeking the One
Velvet Verbosity challenged us to write 100 words on DUST. I remember the smell of incense. I remember the grit of ashy foreheads. I remember longing for acceptance. I remember my unsolaced heart.

So glad to know the cross is empty and the man nailed on it lives in my heart. Together we look forward with no pulling back.

Woody Woodpecker
and Lucy and Bette
To name a few

Howdy Doody on strings
and Flippo the Clown
With his oversized shoes

Scully and Carol Burnette
Could outshine
Carrot Top at his best

Prince Harry, the Lady Sarah
And the Beasleys from HP
And our country lady Reba
Shining in song and on TV

Opie as a kid in Mayberry
Ron the director as an adult
Gingers both young and old

One of my favorites was
A comedian I loved

Red Skelton
With his gentle wit and kind soul
And love for country shared oft
Through the Pledge of Allegiance

Velvet Verbosity challenged us with the word REDHEAD this week. I have many fond memories of tv as a kid . . . we watched it at my dad’s mom’s house. Later when I was 12 or 13 Mom and my sister and I got our first tv and we loved watching Carol Burnette, I Love Lucy, but especially Red Skelton. I hope you will listen to his words on the Pledge of Allegiance. Blesses my heart each time I do.

I show a good face to the world. My countenance is unmarred by stress and worry. Stoic is what my best friend in the world called me. “Barbie,” she said, “I had no clue you felt that way. Your face didn’t show it.”

Others say my face is telling; that they know exactly what I’m thinking by what goes across my visage. They see joy, sadness, distaste, distrust.

No, they only see what they want to see; a reflection of themselves. They see what they think they see and judge me, my actions, from their viewpoint.

The real me hurts.
VV’s 100 word challenge is COUNTENANCE. That and her wise words about the recent goings on in the world – the need to take time, listen, to have a strong back and a soft heart made me even more introspective than I’ve been over the past week. And, that is saying something.