Category Archive:words

The young couple sat shyly, occasionally reaching out to hold each other’s hand. Ned cleared his throat nervously. Cindy glanced at him quickly then turned her gaze back to the lake.

“Sure is pretty here,” Ned stammered.

“I love it, too,” replied Cindy. “At night the loons calling makes me cry sometimes. They call to each other like lost lovers’ souls Nana used to tell me.”

Ned struggled to stand up and again cleared his throat.

“Let’s make a pact! No matter what happens we can always come here to find each other. Young or old, I’ll wait for you.

The 100 Word Song challenge this week is I Will Wait – chosen by Kelly from the new Mumford and Sons album.

Welcome to the challenge, Kelly, and thanks for the song.

My Blog Can Beat Up Your Blog

Jimmy heard his mother singing as he walked up to her kitchen door: Beyond the sunset o glad reunion . . .

Mama? It’s Jimmy. I’m here to take you to the church. Are you ready? It’s going to be fine. Papa’s in a better place. He’s free of pain now.

I know, Jimmy. It’s okay. I’m okay. I’ll get my purse and gloves and we can go. Do you think this hat is okay? Dad loved purple on me. Reminded him of sunsets. Oh, I love that song. It was his favorite. They’ll sing it today, won’t they?

Yes, Mama. For Papa.

Velvet’s 100 Word challenge was Beyond. These are my 100 – where are yours?

“What was that? Who’s there?”

The girls clutched at each other in fear. Being there was against the rules and every creak and whisper set their hearts a-flutter.

“You go first . . .”

“No, you . . .”

They jostled in the doorway, but stopped suddenly.

“What are you girls up to?”

They knew that voice – Mother Angelica had caught them sneaking through the convent. There’d be trouble now for sure.
The Trifextra challenge this week was to take a previously published 33 word submission and build on it by adding another 33. The above is from my July 28th entry YA Mystery. While this is not exactly where I had thought to take the original 33 words, it is a tale close to my heart. And THAT is a whole ‘nother story.

I am one of three in me:
wife, mother, Gramma
At any given moment I can be one
or all three
Depends on the day
depends on the company
I revel in each

Click for larger views: pic 1 is of hubbymoose and myself with our Moms on that special day. Second row of pics: daughters, son-in-law and grands last Christmas; me with each set of grands, Christmas before last. Yes, I am the shorty in the group. (sigh)
Trifextra Challenge #34: mirror Neil Gaiman’s Fragile Things in 33 words only. Weirdly enough I woke this morning (without having seen the challenge) thinking of myself in this triplet.

“Nothin sexier than mah man doin mah dishes,” Marnie whispered into Billie’s ear. She wound her arms around his waist from behind and curved into him.

Billie groaned with pleasure and turned to circle her into his sudsy arms. Marnie shrieked in mock dismay as the bubbles soaked into her maternity blouse.

“Commere, woman, you precious thang. I love you, you know? I love you and that baby settlin into your ribs. I’ll do dishes ever’ night if I can do ‘em for you.”

Marnie sighed in pleasure, standing on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “I love you, too, Billie”


VV’s weekly challenge is simply “Doing the Dishes.” The above are my 100 words – where are yours?