I am unprepared. How could anyone prepare for this? They called me at 2:30. Woke me out of a sound sleep. No good call comes at that ungodly hour.

“Mrs. Brown? We have your daughter. You need to come.”

I dressed. Grabbed her teddy bear. Walked out the door.

They escorted me to the morgue. I was told I would have to identify her body. I haven’t seen her in twelve years. Will I recognize her?

“Where did you find her? Do you know where she’s been?”

No answers. How could there be answers?

“Yes. Oh, God, yes. My baby!”
this is for Velvet Verbosity’s 100 word challenge: NOTHING. The bear pictured is my childhood bear. He got me through many a tear fest as I grew up and is at least 60 years old (as I am 64).

Thomas Leuthard / Foter / CC BY

Andrea glanced into the café and saw her again. Head down, surrounded by books, studying. Too much brain work, she thought. Silly! Come play at the beach with me. Heedless, Stephanie studied on.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Trifecta challenge this week is a photo challenge. My eyes immediately went to the woman in the background, reflected in the glass. What might she be thinking?

Lucy stood next to the bridge to nowhere, pondering her next move. She called it that because she knew once she stepped across she would be leaving everything behind that she had ever called home. Gone would be her parents (long dead in their graves) her first schools, first loves, old work and old chums. To stay would be safety – normalcy. To proceed would be fear-bound questions. Ahead? Who knew? Who cared? She braced herself and casting a look at the roaring sea on her left, placed one foot after the other onto the bridge to her future somewhere.

Velvet Verbosity has a new home and is stretching her wings as she settles into living, loving, and writing. This was written for her first prompt in her new home – her words inspired these as I left her page feeling a kinship to her journey.


Those devious editors at Trifecta Writing Challenge are asking for a three-word entry for the new year:

Check back in 2015 to see how I did.

We stood
hand in hand
On the precipice
Of love unbounded
Joy within
Spiraling downward
Nary a sound
Two hearts
Two lovers
into a myriad
Of emotions
Who is there
To stop us
Who would
Come between
Heartbeats collide
Wishes unite
We are left
Through the years
Hand in hand
Many a precipice
We have stood
Peering over
Which way
One way
Or another
Joined at the
Beat – beat – beat
Not two – one
Love united
Precipice defeated
Life lived
Love lived
Together as one
One together
Standing on the precipice

picture from New York Times article.

100 words inspired by Velvet Verbosity’s challenge “Catapult”