Dan Sexton Dan Sexton

Today’s Neighbor column is now online. The link is under “Moosin Around.” I wish you could have seen the gorgemous (tis too a word!) gems he shared with me. Sigh.

Nah – I’m not much of a jewelry person. But, oh, it was loverly stuff, it was. And, did you know???? Garnets come in EVERY color – except blue??? I did NOT know that. Until I met Dan. Why does this interest me so much you might ask? Well, because the moosie’s birthstone is garnet. 😉

Before I close off here – two things:

1. thanks to my designing daughter for giving back the moose! Paul at Chasing Dragons said he missed them and too-dah! There they were again. Thanks, Paul – and thanks, Lessa!!!

2. Continuing on with the giving thanks of the moment – thanks to those who commented concerning my tiredness yesterday. I went to bed at 9:30 and slept a wonderfully good sleep. Felt MUCH better today.

Will be heading to bed early again tonight – Ladybug needs me in the morning – one of the little guys has an early appointment, so I will be spending the morning with getting the other two off to school and then settling in with the littlest for a morning of Nana time. yay!!!!

3 responses

  1. AkMotleyGal says:

    Nana Moose- are you sure your not related to my mom?? You two are the only people I’ve ever known to use the term “loverly”- it was like I was reading something from her (thank you for the smile- I miss her more then normal today).

  2. Paul says:

    Sweet! da Moosettes are back!

  3. Lessa says:

    *tips hat* I aim to please. *g*

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