Daily Archives: February 26, 2006


You didn’t want to celebrate your birthday, so we did it for you. I whined about not having a cake for MY birthday so you and the Girl decided to bake one for me. Interestingly enough you were asked to help her bake it on YOUR special day. 😉

Because we can, that’s why.

31 is not OLD, darlin’ – you’re just getting started and have the whole world at your feet.

This is a repeat pic because it really is my all time favorite of you. As I said on TAT’s birthday, you were so smitten with him that it was a joy to watch. Indulge your old mama in this, will you?

I knew you would – what choice did you have anyway? 😉

There is so much I would like to say to you – and your sister – about how proud I am of you and how blessed I have been to have you as my daughters.

Know this and know it always – I love you – love you both – forever and always.

I hope your day was a good one.
