Oh, Moosie, oh, Moosie
Where have you been?
I’ve been up to my antlers
in work it would seem

Oh, Moosie, oh, Moosie
What did you do there?
I closed my door and
tore out tufts of my hair

please forgive me, Mother Goose:
Pussycat, pussycat

Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?
I’ve been to London to visit the Queen.
Pussycat, pussycat, what did you there?
I frightened a little mouse under her chair.

Okay – it really hasn’t been THAT bad – sorta. But I have been busy at work and then when I get home and fix dinner and then poof! wake up from my untimely nap – well, then it is time to go to bed. So I haven’t had a lot of time to write here.

You see, it is either write here or read there and sometimes I just need to read. Just have to check and make sure the world is still rocking and rolling.

But, I also need to write – on a deadline – and so I have to interview, then write, then check with the interviewee to make sure all the facts is all the facts, then send to the paper and publish on the paper’s blog.

So, that is what I was doing earlier today – well, the interviewing part. I had one set up for 1 pm, but the person wasn’t available after all. So, Plan B got put into action. I drove over to sister city and stopped first at a children’s park. Saw an expectant mom and got a short (too short, durn it) interview. May be able to do something with that.

Then I went to the Farmer’s Market – I had gotten a great interview from there last week and thought just maybe I could get another this week.

Got more than that! Spoke with THREE people who have been instrumental in getting this Farmer’s Market up and going and continuing on since 1991. It’ll make a nice article.

Got still more than that!!!



yummy. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr.H! Hubby Moose and I will certainly enjoy these. You were a very gracious interview subject and more than generous to gift us with these. Now, pass the salt, please.