Have you ever wondered?

Just where is it that Santa goes for the summer?

Go ahead, admit it . . . secretly? you’ve always wanted to know . . .

What does he do with his time?

How does he finance all of those toys anyway?

I now know the answer . . .

and, I will share it with you all . . .

santa vegas tsa

caught on camera as his jolly self enters security at McCarren Int’l Airport

(that’s Vegas, baby)

Yuh, I know the pic is blurry – it was quite early in the morning (5 am) – I had been up since 6 am the previous day (another long story – maybe forthcoming – maybe not) – I had pushed and shoved my way among the throng getting TO that point of the line – and was trying to be sly about taking the picture in the first place. Hence, blurriness.

Nevertheless – you and I both know just who that is in the green hawaiian-style print shirt (and shorts, btw). Just lookit that hair and beard (not to mention that bubble on the front side of the shirt). Yup, that’s Santa all right. Sure hope he won enough to finance the coming festivities.


p.s. by the way . . .

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk!


2 responses

  1. Heather says:

    LOL! That’s funny! I can just picture you squirming your way up there and not trying to be obvious about taking the picture!

    Well, no matter what happened, you’re home now and you sound glad about it!

  2. Lessa says:

    heh – it’s like when we were in Disneyland – and we saw Santa there, in….a hawiian shirt! and the pup was just ENTHRALLED that he’d followed her ALL THE WAY! We even let her go up and say hi – he was a grandpa who clearly gets stuff like that all the time. The pup GLOWED all day. *L*

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