You mean I don’t? (live on a different continent, that is) Would you please tell every shipper that bit of information? When I am told that I am not part of the continental United States, I smile (okay, sneer) into the phone and ask sweetly (honest, I do) “and what continent do you live on?” Only to hear – well, you know what I mean? “No, I don’t, really. I live on the North American continent – do you live in India or somewhere else?” Ummm – no. “Ahhh, I thought not. You see, (youngling) we both live in the same hemisphere – on the same continent – you must mean that I do not live in the contiguous states – is that right?” Ummm – yes, maam – but you still have to pay extra shipping.


So, hubby’s business mentor spoke with us Saturday – put his finger on some body language, etc. Made us admit to some stuff – grudgingly, mind you. Asked us very difficult questions – got no real answers. Kind of hard to get conversation if one member both members of the party is are not able to answer honestly. Kind of hard to pinpoint the “problem” when real honesty cannot be forthcoming because of hidden secrets – hidden lies.

In the end, said mentor suggested we read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. He had suggested I read it last year, so I already have the book. However, hubby is vision impaired and as I picked up the book again Saturday I realized there is no way he will be able to read that small type. So I went online to find either large print or audio. I could have purchased a new BOOK for about $9, but to purchase an mp3-cdrom version PLUS shipping, I am paying nearly $20.

I think it has something to do with being on a different continent than you all.

As for hubby and me – who knows what will happen in the end. We’ve had a good long haul together. 41 years next month since our first meeting. 37 years last May since our wedding. Somewhere in there – we’ve lost ourselves. We’ve found ourselves in different ways. Now if we can just find each other again.


I’m not sure a book will do it.

one responses

  1. Lisa says:

    Another good book is I Will Never Leave You – How Couples Can Achieve the Power of Lasting Love by Hugh and Gayle Prather.

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