
on The Boy . . .

THANK YOU all for your help so far. I appreciate you and I know that The Boy does, too.

Be sure to listen to the sound bites Lessa has placed there as well. ahhh, music to mah heart.


2 responses

  1. Tina*:) says:

    Mahalo, Barb! Sorry to pop in this way, but I’ve taken long enough to show my appreciation for your caring, please forgive me. Your aloha tickled me pink!

    We made it through the earthquake, but shaken for the experience. Spooky stuff.

    Take good care of you and your loved ones*:)

  2. barbara says:

    Yay! That’s two of the three folks I know in Hawaii checking in or writing. Thanks, Tina! Still waiting to hear from Paradise Ali.

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