So, if you look down there on the right – under Moosin’ Around – you’ll find a link to NaBloPoMo and you might be wondering – WHA????

As per usual, when I find something new, it is because of Lessa. She seems to find the neatest stuff – and I follow along behind quite meekly.

ANYway . . . the deal is to write a blog post every day in November. If you’ve been reading or checking my journal over the past little while you might understand that this could be a stretch for me. Yeah, not too communicative lately, huh?

And, I’m not all by my lonesome in that. Lisa just wrote a poignant piece about just that over at her place. Sometimes life just gives you a swift kick in the rear – or the face – or wherever it hurts. And, it just stops you cold.

Both Lessa and Lisa have been through some tough times lately. Makes my own stuff seem small by comparison. Maybe that is what empathy and compassion are about – you think? When I get to wallering (as my Mom and Grandma used to say) in my thoughts and such – it is good to look outside of myself and those things and realize that there are others out there who need a hug, too.

And, surprisingly, giving other folks a hug – well, it feels good – because you are getting a hug in return. Right? Right.

anyway – I am not up for NANOWRIMO – never have been. I’m not a novelist kinda person. I write “Gramma” pieces – about my kids, my grandkids, my ancestors. When I do write fiction – it is generally fictionalized truth – all names changed to protect the guilty. And, that can be exhausting.

Anyway – there is NaBloPoMo entry number 2 – done and done.

howzitgoing in your neck of the woods?


one responses

  1. Lessa says:

    First – meekly? HAHAHAHAHAHAH! *ducks*

    Secondly – I think the comparison is natural. Even going the other way. Sometimes I read or hear things and all I wanna do is go “SO WHAT? lookit wha thappened to ME! Get a GRIP!” which is not a very good way to be either, so I try to keep it to a minimum. There will always be someone better or worse off then we are. All we can do is offer support (which you do!) and hold on, making it day by day.

    Love ya momma. 2 days down, 28 to go! Welcome to NaBloPoMo!

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