So, hubby moose’s first day went well. They wouldn’t let him wear his hat in school, though. So, his student was given the task to make sure he didn’t run over anyone. (He has a visual disability due to diabetic retinopathy) The Principal offered to let him wear sunglasses while there, but no hat. That discombulated him so much that he didn’t go get the sunglasses out of the van.


His first remark when asked about his day: Now I remember what I disliked about school! The bandroom. hahaha. It seems his student is in beginning band – playing the saxaphone. Can we all say “SQUEAK!”?

I knew we could.

Today is a test for the grands, too. Yesterday Paw-Paw had to be to school early to meet the Principal (he had to go to the Principal’s office the first day! Does anyone else feel the need to snicker?) so they all had to eat at home. Awwwww.

Today, they are all supposed to come early – even the Pup! – for breakfast. Then he will take the Pup back to mama to wait for the bus while he takes the older two to school as usual. Meanwhile I get to go pick up TAT to take him to early school! Yay! He and I have a long-term love affair and are both looking forward to some alone time together.

Hope your day is a good one, too.
