and with a byline. When I was studying journalism in high school that was the epitome of having arrived . . . having your story printed above the fold complete with byline (your name in print) in the newspaper.

It has happened to me a couple of times over the years – with stories printed in the local paper – stories about my grandbabies and my views of small town Alaska. But – yesterday – it happened in the Big town newspaper. (biggest paper in the state, my friend pointed out to me.)

Anchorage Daily News printed an article complete with photo and byline, above the fold – on Christmas Day!

You see, one day last week I saw an article in said paper by a Jamie Reid who writes for the Beaumont Texas Enterprise. The article picked at those of us who enjoy wearing holiday sweaters and other such things. I took a bit of (good natured) offense and shot off a letter to the editor of the Enterprise and to the Daily News.

ADNs letters editor called me to make sure I had really written the letter (as it had been emailed) and when I shared that I’d had to cut it severely due to their word constraints, the woman on the phone said “why don’t you submit it as a Compass piece? You can have up to 675 words there!”

Why indeed.

Hold that letter, please. I’m sending it in for the Compass column. That editor called me and asked for a photo. Can do. Lessa took the shot and I emailed it in.

Christmas Day! You can find the piece here: Holiday clothes put the ‘ho ho’ on us all. You may need to sign in to read it – I didn’t, but may have still been signed in from my last look at the paper. Enjoy, friends.

Hey, how was your Christmas????