it’s cold outside. Well, duh! It IS Alaska, after all . . . but, brrrrr willies! Yeah, I know . . . you all are thinking, just how cold could it be . . . well, Lessa has done the numbers for us. Take a peek . . . I’ll wait.

Back now? She lives two doors down from me. So, we are sitting at pretty much the same temps – I don’t have frozen pipes, though. She’ll have to get down under her house with the blow dryer to take care of them. Been there, done that. Brrrrr willies!

I’ve been following along with her tales over at The Sourdough. Be sure to read the one called Fashion Faux Pax and the Convenient Activist. Our little gorlie can keep her mama on her toes! Lessa, you’re doing us proud – what with the sarcasm and all that. 😉

Well, it’ll be quiet here at work today – two folks are out at a meeting – one has called in sick – another called in with frozen pipes (seems she wants to get water at her house so she can brush her teeth! before coming to work – yes, now you know where Lessa gets the sarcasm gene – heh). We only have one on duty in the back and two up here for now. I have to leave at 11 to go to Soldotna to help the boss with a presentation and then will have to leave at 4 to make up for that hour working over lunch. The other person who is here has to leave at 1:30 for an appointment. Maybe we should close down?

nahhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahaha – won’t happen. The back will at least have to stay open – we are a 24-hour facility, understaffed or not.

So, that is life in Kenai, Alaska today. Howzit in your neck of the woods?



3 responses

  1. Lessa says:

    Heh. Actually? She’ll go back to bed, under warm covers, and wait till noon or so and see how the pipes are doing then. If still frozen/haven’t warmed up yet, THEN we’ll see about going under the house. Right now, crossing fingers for the space heater just plugged into the garage and sitting near the hotwater heater will help like it did last time.

    What’s the Alaska wine, everyone?

    yes. I WANNA GO TO HAWAII!!!

  2. Heather says:

    So, okay, that’s why I won’t live in Alaska!! 😆

    Thought I’d pop in and say hello. Here in Maine our temps are finally getting down to more normal for winter.

  3. mary lou says:

    Well We arent THAT cold! but down into the teens is about the same for us! It is soooo pretty out there though.

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