Getting older is a breeze. Really, we have nothing to do with it at all. It’s simply a matter of waking up every day and breathing in . . . breathing out.

Do that 24 x 7 x 365 and soon, you’re a whole year older! It’s your birthday – and people are congratulating you and wishing you well.

Almost like YOU had something – anything – to do with it.

No, lest you think I’m complaining – or negative – about my rapidly advancing (it’s a mad dash, folks!) age . . . I’m not really.

It doesn’t really bother me that today I turn (gasp!) 57 years old.

You see, NEXT Saturday Mr. Moose has HIS 57th birthday, too.

And, two weeks after that (February 17th) Lessa will be 37! And, nine days later Ladybug will be 32!

I see you sneaking sideways glances at your calendars. Yes, you can see that we have all four birthdays within a span of 30 days. And, if you are so minded, you will have noticed that our birthdates are arranged in the order of our ages – that is, I am the oldest and my birthday comes first, then Mr. Moose, Lessa and Ladybug. Quite fun when the girls were living at home and it was just the four of us.

These days we have grandbabies added into the mix – two of Ladybug’s are also in February.

So, no, I’m not upset about getting older – getting grayer – if I were still young I wouldn’t hve the joy of being called Mom (or MOTHER! depending on the level of my girls’ frustration). Nor would I be loved as Nana, Nonny, Gramma, or Grams (called so by the one who used to call me “Ga” – sob, I do miss that!)

And now . . . onward to 58 – then 59 – then the magical age of 60 when most of the senior discounts kick in. Suggested senior citizen lunch donation for us young whippersnappers is $9 – but when I become a senior (at the tender age of 60) I will be able to only pay $5. Heh.

And, come that year – that (probably) very cold February, my girls and I will (Lord willing) be sunning ourselves on the sands of Hawaii.

See . . . I told you getting older wasn’t such a bad thing.

4 responses

  1. deb says:

    Happy Birthday!! And you’re SO right…getting older isn’t a bad thing at all :))
    Enjoy your day!

  2. Angela Siwy says:

    😀 Happy Birthday!! Have a wonderful day!! This is the one day you can ask for favors, and perhaps those asked will do it, get it, whatever ‘it’ may be. God bless, Angela

  3. AkMotleyGal says:

    Happy Birthday Nana Moose!! Now…what’s all this about the hottie cooks phone number? 😉

  4. re: Lessa’s recap of my birthday:

    to be totally honest here . . . because, surely, honesty IS the best policy . . .

    the hottie cook asked for MY phone number, Gal.

    twas all in fun and fun twas had by all. Thanks, Lessa and PawPaw Moosie!

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