if you have ever asked yourself about the wisdom of buying an educational toy for your kiddo or grand-kiddo, wonder no more.

One of the grand-boys received a Leap Pad Explorer Globe for Christmas this year.

Now, this young man spends a lot of time in his room. We won’t go into the reasons for that –  but apparently he is not just lounging around while he is in there. Nope, nosireebob! Apparently he puts his time to good use. Apparently he has memorized everything there is to know on said globe.

He won the Geography Bee at his school last month!

When he was asked by his parents how he had accomplished such a thing, his answer was the globe he had gotten for Christmas. It would seem that he memorized all of the answers and that stood him in good stead.

Congratulations, D-Man! Nana and Paw-Paw are awfully proud of you.


2 responses

  1. bb says:


  2. Lessa says:

    Leappad stuff is Awesome! The teachers of the Pup are crediting her increased reading comprehension on the L-max handheld games (all reading orientated!) that she got for christmas, as well as the computer programs at school, and of course, our nudging her repeatedly with a pointy stick. (Kidding!) (I blunted the point.) (mostly.) (ha!)

    ANyway – Leappad=MUCH AWESOME

    and? WAY TO GO D-MAN! Auntie’s totally proud too!

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