nope – nothing about the Iditarod today. Lots more mushers have finished. You can check the page for yourself to see who.

Nope – today we are closing in on the Boy’s departure for Europe. Many of you helped with allowing him to meet his goal. To you we will forever be grateful. He is a great kid and I love him bunches.

This morning’s paper had a story all about the upcoming trip. It included several pictures – one of which included my grand-boy. Oh, yes, I am THAT tickled about it, too. He is the long haired young man standing next to the really tall man in the one group shot. You can see that same tall man in another photo standing back to back with a much shorter person. The short person? He’s the one who stuck the penny in his nose and couldn’t remove it on our trip to D.C. last year.

Oh, in rereading that I don’t see the story of the penny – well, maybe another day – or maybe it is in another entry – or maybe I just skimmed to quickly and missed it. 😉

Anyway – the tall man is grandson to one of my coworkers – so that’s kind of cool. Oh! And the girl on the other side of the Boy? She is daughter of our in-between neighbor – as in they live in between Lessa and us. Kinda cool that the photographer got them all.

The Boy is quite excited as you can imagine. i think he might be coming down with a cold, though, and that’s sad. I’ve been dosing him with extra vitamin C. Hoping he is young and healthy enough not to get as sick as I have been.

We will miss him while he is gone – TWO WEEKS! – but, oh, what a trip he is going to have.

You all take care, now!



stolen from the newspaper – (c) Peninsula Clarion

one responses

  1. ladybug says:

    I called Lessa and woke her up LOOOOOOONG before I should have when I found the picture of the boy…. only to find out you had already sent it to her. LOL Oh well see I was looking out for her too.

    I know that he will have fun. And my oh my he has grown up. I remember when it was me in the racquetball court learning the acoustics of a messed up room. The cathedrals we sang in were out of this world. I hope he gets more pictures than I did.

    I cant wait to see them and to know about his time. Love you mom. :dragonfly:

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