okay – more of you than care to admit remember Roger Miller’s song, Chug a Lug . . . right?

. . . First time for everything
Umm, my ears still ring . . .

Nope, I haven’t been hitting the mason jar – but, who-ee, my ears are ringing again (still). Today I think the Kenai Krud (as it is being referred to by the local medical professionals) has come back and hit me again. Both ears are plugged up and ringing.

Of course, I saw my doc yesterday . . . for my annual blood test report (bloodwork done last week) and med refills. Sigh. BP is elevated (yeah, goes right along with the weight elevation) and THAT could be causing the ringing. Or it could be the krud again. Sigh.

What is worse, though, is that my ldl was a teensy bit TOO high for his liking and so I am now on a cholesterol med also. Sigh!!!!

Gonna have to get back out on the paths again and start walking for my health again. Yup. Just as soon as the ice goes away. Right now I could walk during my lunch hour, but it is only clear for the 3 tenths of a mile up to the highway. Of course – 3 tenths up and 3 tenths up a coupla times and I’d get a mile or two, huh?

Diet – exercise – and meds – the story of my life.

how are you all doing???