All of you who had a part (and you ALL had a part – whether monetarily or through prayers and thoughts for him while he was gone) in the Boy’s trip to Europe . . . head on over to Lessa’s to hear a snippet of the choir’s performance from last night. I know, it is not the same as being there, but you will get a taste.

I, being the old softy that I am, was near to tears during several of their pieces. Most of the music was done without music. Some was done with instruments – viola and violin, flute, French horn. Lovely.

I, being the thrifty, crafty person that I am, took along one of my knitting projects – the felted bag – and worked on it while sitting through a 2 1/2 hour concert(!! – long, but worth it!!)

Harumpf! Well, I was going to post the photo here and brag about how much I had gotten done (see, moosie, it does not pay to brag!), but apparently flickr is having some sort of hissy fit and will not allow me to share. So – look over there to the right – if that is still working – and click on the pictures there. The bag is the two toned piece – I am showing you with my fingers where I was before the concert and you can see how much was accomplished during the concert.

here, I will post a thumb and you can go on to flickr to see the fullsized pic – how’s that?


The pink is the progress I made yesterday morning on the antique patterned baby bonnet. It is a sweet pattern.

So – I am off to work – everyone have a stupendous day!
