. . .  from Lessa:

blah, blah, blah . . . and, oh, by the way – when you drop off the Boy to his school’s out party at noon – be sure to tell the host parents about the bear dad and I saw early this morning on the way to anchortown.

(me) mm hm, okay, sure . . . . WAIT! WHAT???? a bear?

It would seem that our critter count is escalating – only this time I only have their word for it because Lessa did not have her camera out at the time that Mr. Moose stomped on the brakes to allow a good sized brownie to amble across the highway in front of them . . . within a half mile of the location the Boy and his friends will be partying this afternoon.

Yup, I will make sure that the host parents are aware.

It is that time of the year – the bears are out and hungy – I know that I have said this before, but bear with me (hahaha – I crack myself up). We need to be constantly aware that we live in BEAR country even though we are living in (so called) civilization. And, it is THEIR territory – not ours. They, after all, were here first.

We are blessed to be living in this area. We generally are treated to the sight of mama moose and their darling little red headed babies at this time of the year (although that sometimes has serious consequences)

doggonit – sure wish she’d had the camera out and in ready position. 😉

have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

one responses

  1. bb says:

    I can’t imagine encountering any wildlife around here except the two legged kind. 😀

    Remember Monday, flags at half staff until noon.

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