Monthly Archives:May 2007

Here is a mini tour of the old and the new . . .

looking in the door 

this is looking into the old office. I am standing just at the door –

looking out of the door 

and this is looking back at that door – I’m standing at the window.

Now . . . welcome to the new digs.

come on in to the new digs

again – standing at the door. You can tell already that it is bigger, right?  The flowers and balloon? From the Boy, of course. Awwwwwwww. (and they smell so good!)

moose corner 

This is the unit next to that door. My moose family (seen in the last post) are happily settled into their new home. I hung prints of some of my favorite pictures. And, you may have noticed that the desktop picture on the computers in BOTH offices has one of my pics.

and, last but not least – I canNOT go anywhere without my grandbabies

grands central 

I have two (count them – TWO) bulletin boards in my office. The first one I set up has all of the grands and other special folks on it. (the other just has the overflow of important, but boring paperwork) 

Come on up and I’ll give you a tour – for reals.



So, Friday was moving into the new office day – whee! Here are my office moose getting a ride in my chair to their new digs. The receptionist and I had been kidding all week that we knew it would be for real when the moose parade began.

8) :moose:

So, I got everything moved in, I think. My grandbabies are back up on the wall – gotta have the babies to look at you know! And, I have the moose in their special corner along with my special pictures.

Oh – I also got my paperwork and such moved in. I’ll still have to go back to the other office from time to time to catch up with the stuff I’m still required to do from the old job. Not sure how long that will last – my boss and I have an open door on it – if it gets to be too much for me to handle I will talk with her. She will likely advertise for that position sometime soon – just don’t know when. 😉

Oh – and check out the Moose Squared


from a pattern found here.

I tell a bit more about it over at knitting passion – yes, there will be purple, too, eventually. Heh.

Hope you have had a great weekend.


I got it – the promotion, that is. And, contrary to my faulty belief – if we are able to get COLAs this year (we are a non-profit, so it depends on grants and such) I will not have to wait a full year – I will still be in line to receive one with my first check in August! A raise on top of a raise! That is just way too cool for me.

My boss and I spent some time today in my new office – until she got frustrated with how the files were left by the previous tenant. So, she sent me back to my smaller cave and we will try again tomorrow. She spent several hours putting the files into proper shape.

I can’t understand some folks – really.

But – that is all behind us, right? I am nervous. This job has a WHOLE LOT more responsibility – and I will be continuing doing the things I’ve been doing for the past 5 years – so I am going to be one busy puppy, I’ll tell ya!

That’s okay – that’s what keeps me young, right? right!

So – cautiously dancing on my cloud nine tonight. What’s up with all of you?