Monthly Archives:September 2007

Lisa wants a story. And, what Lisa wants, Lisa gets. 😉

Let’s see now . . .

1) I’m becoming a grown up in this old internet world . . . I just (all by myself, mindyou) renewed the domain. Woot! Of course, I couldn’t figure out how to get into my account yesterday . . . and a call to their tech support didn’t help me because of several reasons: my credit card number has changed; my email address has changed . . . and I could NOT for the life of me remember my password – and the hint just did NOT help.

so – I did what any normal person would do – I stuck my head in the sand and said I could wait until today to try it again.

Worked like a charm – I typed in a password without even thinking about it twice and it was the right one. I now have my domain for another two years. Am I good, or what?


Have been busily knitting and crocheting. This is what I do (instead of writing – which I also need to do – sigh) to come down to the (so called) real world after busy days at work and dealing with the particular group of clients I deal with weekly. Sometimes I just want to curl up in my chair with a pair of needles and a graph and just knit away.

babyftcls.JPG click for larger verson.

I finished this dish cloth  last night for a friend at church. She wears a baby feet pin (her silent witness for the unborn) on her jacket. When I saw the pattern I knew I had to make it for her. She loved it.

I had coffee with a “knitwit” friend Saturday morning. She and her sister-in-law and I all knitted sweaters last winter. We were looking through patterns for felted bags.

My friend’s son is in the U.S. Marines. So, in addition to a couple of other dishcloths made for her, I also stayed up until midnight Friday night to finish this one:

marinecloth.JPG It’s the Marine Corps emblem. She says she is going to keep it and not use it. (that’s the same thing my friend with the baby feet said)

I’ve crocheted as many squares as Shelly wants from me for now. But she still needs squares from other folks. You see, she uses 48 squares per afghan and likes to use one from 48 different people, not all from the same person. She needs some more squares to make up some more afghans. I’ve sent her 108 so far. My personal goal is really 140 (one for each afghan), but I’m going to hold off for now until she uses up all the ones she has.

In the meantime, Shelly is going to send me a couple of “kits” to stitch up and edge. I’ll get those done up as quickly as possible and send the completed afghans back to her.

Go on over and check out the whole story, won’t you? And, then sharpen up those crochet hooks and send her some squares.

Oh, hey . . . while you’re there, check out her latest contest . . . Name that Tune . . . and check out what you can win!!! Pretty nifty little deal. If I win it, I’ll set it up among all the mooses on top of the computer stand. Deadline is October 4th. Go on over there now and put your singing and thinking caps on.

How’s that, Lisa? I hope this will do. I’ll try to come back and fill you all in on the latest and greatest in the moosie’s life more often.

So, awhile back I mentioned being tired . . . and then the Ladybug challenged me to tell you why in her comment.

Now that I am recovering, that is, not quite as tired, I thought I would let you know what I’ve been up to – in addition to working a 40 hour schedule.

Each weekday morning I get up at 5 am, check email, and then drive over to the Kenai High School pool to meet ms. Ladybug. From 6:30 to 7:45 or so she swims laps while I walk half laps in the water. I can only do half laps because I’m just 5’4″ after all. 😉

My ankles and knees won’t allow me to walk on dry land – at least not fitness walking. Walking in water is GREAT exercise. You get the benefits of walking, PLUS you get a harder workout because you are pushing against all that water volume.

It’s been two weeks now and I can tell the difference in how I feel now when I get out of the pool compared to then when I got out of the pool. For one thing, it’s not nearly as hard to PULL myself up the steps and out of the pool now as it was then. (gravity works, by the way!) So that is a good thing. Also, I’m not nearly as sore now as I was that first week. Although . . . my left hip has been bothering me. It feels better when I get up and move around, so I’m trying hard not to just sit and get stiff.

Also making sure I get all the water I should be drinking.

So, thanks, Ladybug! And, yes, you are right. I should have joined you a long time ago. But, that’s in the past. We’ll just keep working on the future. 😉


the only difference between men and boys . . .



Kenai Lions Rubber Ducky Race was held today.

Because of that race, the Girl and I will get to go to D.C. in March with her 8th grade history class.

I lurve me some rubber duckies!!! Thanks, Kenai Lions!


thought of Lo** . . . but I think I’ll have to explain, huh?

First of all – there is the little controversy over how to spell “Coho”  <– that way is singular while Cohoe(s) is plural.

A “coho” is a type of salmon – a silver salmon. (we have five species in Alaska – the coho/pink, the chinook/king, the sockeye/red, the chum/dogs, and humpy/pink. There is also the landlocked red which is called a kokanee.)

Now, as is the case in most of the U.S., places and roads share names with animals and fish and birds. So – locally we will find Coho Loop and near it, Coho Lake and a (lot of) bed and breakfast(s), one of which is called Cohoe (note that pesky “e”) Lake Cabins.

so – back to the license plate spotted today –

coholo.JPG Could it be Silver Salmon Lo(is)? Or Coho(e) Loop Lolita?

or could it be short hand for “Come home, Lola”?

Phew! I must be tired – my brain is thinking weird things – I’ll tell you why I’m tired later.