Daily Archives: September 1, 2007

took the 13 year old granddaughter for her shopping day. She was staying with two friends. Took them, too.

Have you done this lately? Taken THREE 13 year old GIRLS shopping???? There was a sale on costume jewelry – 60% off. I gave them a top dollar limit and told them they could each buy something under that limit. ONE HOUR LATER – they all had found something.

In the meantime I had found a dress, a pair of capri pants and a skirt for the Girl to try on – all on sale, too. I love it when a plan works – all three FIT her! yay! (again with the !!!s)

Giggly gaggle of girls – entirely too much fun. Thanks to all of their parents for letting them come with us. We thoroughly enjoyed our time together and have become adopted grandparents to the other two. Big squooshy hugs to all.


Drumming at the Conference . . .

It’s a healing thing – and, fun, too!
for some reason I cannot get the urls to embed correctly, so paste and enjoy. (Fixed – ~L)

Kenaitze drummers

Drummers and Dancers

We’ve had fog and sun and a great big full moon (and lunar eclipse!) this week. Cooler weather and fall allergies . . . yup, I’m thinking that it must be fall!


perfect weather for toadstools! Found this one outside my office yesterday. Pretty colors, but don’t eat!

This has been a busy week at work – I spent Monday and Tuesday at a conference the next town over – very informative. I was the first presenter – that was nerve-wracking,  but a good experience overall. Give me the floor and I’ll take the room. Haha.

We ended the conference with a native drumming group:


I was asked to join in for one of the songs and felt honored to do it. There is quite a healing effect in a drumming circle.

Some things are changing at work – but change can be a good thing. I seem to be doing well at my new job. My boss is apparently happy with my performance. And, she tells me that she will begin training me to take on some more responsibility, too!  It is always nice to hear that you are doing well and that the boss has faith in you – quite a good old ego boost!

Really, I ask you – just how many !!!! can one moose use in a single entry? 😉

Well, my hands are getting cold – I have the window cracked open just a bit, but it is a tad chilly outside. So, I am going to end for now. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe out there.
