
the little moosie wants to get in on the fun!

But, he’s not the only one . . .

cheer.JPG (click for larger version) The Girl decked out in MOM’s old cheerleading outfit. Heh. She even did a Halloween cheer for us.

Here she is again – with younger sister/princess/unicorn rider:  girls.JPG

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddd – to round out the trio . . .

boy.JPG A Boy and his sword  boysword.JPG

That took care of group #1. Admiration and pictures freely given/taken and they were off to their next spot. They’ll be good and sugared up by tomorrow, huh?

Then came group number two – I can always count on having at least 7 trick-or-treaters each year.


a Jedi, a Ladybug, and an elephant – oh, my! – wait, who’s that skully kinda guy in there?


Ladybug’s kiddos ran through, got hugs and candy and skedaddled. Nice to see you, too. Don’t eat all your candy in one sitting!

love ya!