Hello, friends . . .

I will probably be dropping off the grid (so to speak) for a week or so – as I am going in for surgery on Tuesday morning.
God has such a great sense of timing AND of humor!!!
I went to my regular doctor in October for a med-refill check up. Happens twice a year. I asked him to look at a hernia I’ve had for several years – had been told to have it checked whenever it “began to bother” me.
He sent me to a surgeon – the Kenai Peninsula’s own Dr. McDreamy. 😉 He sent me for a CT scan.
Two days later (the day after Thanksgiving) I received a call that they would NOT be taking care of the hernia until I saw a Urologist (nowhere near a Dr. McDreamy, btw) because of something on my left kidney – a cyst – and a prominent “something/anomaly” on my right kidney.
Saw the urologist the following week and he sent me for an MRI – which was botched because they did not do a contrast scan AND the machine (fondly known as Trixie) broke down in the middle. He could not read the scan – the radiologist could not read the scan – sooooooo
Last Tuesday I had another scan – this time with the contrast and this time without Trixie up to her old tricks – and gorgeous pictures came back . . .
of the prominent cysts on the left kidney (nothing to worry about – they look normal and people in their 50s develop cysts often) – BUT, when I saw the urologist on Thursday he was very blunt – there is a tumor embedded IN the right kidney and so it (the tumor) cannot just be taken off – the kidney has to come out. 😉
Off to the hospital I went for the pre-op blood work – only to be asked questions about which symptoms I’d had to make me go to the doctor and the resultant disbelief when I told them NONE – and shared that my God has a wondrous sense of humor and a great sense of timing.
By the by, Dr. McDreamy will assist the urologist and if at all possible will take care of the hernia at the same time. Yay!
So, I have a stack of books and one more knitting project to complete for Christmas standing by – and at least a week off work to relax and heal. I can take more time if I need it, but I am a “tough old bird” according to my friends so I hope to be back to work by the end of that first week.

Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated – for me and for the Ladybug who is also having surgery that morning. We asked for a family plan, but they laughed us out of the hospital. 😉 Okay, fine.

Oh – the timing thing? With the CT I met my deductible for the year, so I should not have to pay very much for this surgery – I think I’ve met my out of pocket expenses, too. Hopefully – Lord willing – this will all be covered.

And – the one thing I don’t like about all this is that they will, of course, be putting me under for the surgery – I don’t like the idea of that, but know that I will be in God’s hands during that time, too. I think it’s just that whole losing control thing that bothers me. It’s not like I have control over any of this anyway, so send me to Maui with the cabana pool boy, Raul and it’s all good. LOL

take care, everyone and give a hug to the one who’s closest to you.

5 responses

  1. […] Christmas is coming . . . by barbara waters And, I am getting closer to having all of the handmade things completed. Good thing, too. […]

  2. Shelagh says:

    I will be thinking of you. I hate being put under too, it scares me more than the op so I can sympathise. Take very good care of yourself when it’s all done, it sounds like you’ll need quite a bit of recuperation time. ((((hugs))))

  3. Ladybug says:

    All will be good mom. I know that. and Keith said he would look in on us. see there. He is on OUR side and he is the BEST! hima nd PAUL! talked to him too.;)

    Can you guys believe that they wont give us a family rate. what is up with that anyway.

  4. AkMotleyGal says:

    You are both in my prayers Nana Moosie- I wish you a speedy recovery!

  5. Mark Jabo says:

    Thinking all kinds of positive thoughts here at the G.I. blog and at 451 Press for you guys.

    Maybe it’s the marketing training in me but I think there’s an opportunity here for a whole new line of knit organ items. Kidney-shaped pillows, etc.

    Look forward to hearing from you guys when you’re out of surgery.

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