This is Lessa, again. I know I’ve emailed most of you, but thought I’d pop a note here too. That and I have the CUTEST picture of Nana and Papa I snuck yesterday while I was there sitting with them.

Mom is doing really well. There was a marked difference between yesterday and the day before – improvement by leaps and bounds. She’s getting up and walking around, trying to get all her innards in working order. She’s having problems sleeping, of course – the Hospital has never been the best place to get rest. *L* But she was in good spirits, and feeling better all the time. Until we’d make her laugh. Then we’d get the GLARE. Something about incisions and pain and ow, darnit stoppit! WhatEVer… sheesh.

I’ll let mom tell the full story from her perspective when she feels able too, but here’s the skinny: They had gone in prepared to take the whole right kidney, but attempted to remove just the tumor first. They were successful, and very pleased with the partial kidney-ectomy, and were able to save the rest of the kidney and leave it right where it is. They tested the outskirts of the removed organ part right away and discovered completely clean lines – so are very confident they removed the entire tumor, and that there will be no chemo/radiation/extensive followup. He even said the C word – no, not cancer, but Cured. We won’t know if the tumor was cancerous until it gets back from pathology, most likely on Monday.

So mom is now the proud owner of 1.75 kidneys, and some awesome bandages. She’s hoping to come home today, but I’m thinking it’ll probably be tomorrow at the earliest. As of the time I left last night, she’d not been allowed to eat yet, and they’ll want to make sure everything is in working order before letting her out. I’ll be taking the kids over to say hello later tonight, most likely.

Thank you for all the emails, and the well wishes – she appreciates them, as do I. As a reward for being awesome – here’s the cute picture I promised:

Nappin’ Nana an’ Papa

Keep those well wishes coming! Thanks!

PS – Ladybug is doing well, also. She was remarkably chipper when I talked to her yesterday, both times. She even got up and fed the kids breakfast, and is doing really well! Thanks for the well wishing there too!

3 responses

  1. Lisa says:

    Wow. I get buried under an avalanche of work and when I tunnel out, I find you up to this sort of craziness!? hahaha This does explain why you didn’t respond to my email. Take care of yourself. Love you, my friend.

  2. Ladybug says:

    SHE IS HOME!!!!!!!! Yesterday. But hey she is home. Happy home momma!

  3. Linkmeister says:

    Hey! Glad it all turned out OK, and let yourself be pampered for a while!

    (Batty’s got a couple of new entries at Cuppa Tea and one of them was about bloggers; your name and hospitalization was mentioned.)

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