Yes, I know THAT happened . . . we watched it on tv. And, I’m not even going to discuss the conspiracy theories around all that.

However, YOU may certainly all discuss that if you so choose.

Nope – what happened 39 years ago today . . . is that my nephew was born! Happy Birthday, Gary!

In other news, I talked last time about getting stuck in my car between a mama moose and her twins. When the one to my left went back towards mama I was able to go into the building and grab my camera for some across the lot shots. Thought you might enjoy seeing some of them.

This is the little guy who kept coming back to my car and resting his/her head on the hood. Sorry about the quality – I was taking the shot through my office window and didn’t get the flash turned off in time. We think maybe the hood was warm, baby was cold (it was drippy, rainy) and it just felt good. Who knows?

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Here are a couple of shots of the mama with her twins together. Moose will often drop twins, some of them do it every year. Sometimes, but rarely, a moose will drop triplets. Sadly, they don’t all make it through the first weeks – and often don’t make it through the first winter. Predators, cars, etc.

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And, finally, here’s a picture of a gorgeous flower – unfortunately, this flower is the cause of a LOT of depression in Kenai . . . it’s the first harbinger of the winter to come. Nevertheless it is pretty – that fuschia color!!!

7 responses

  1. Sara says:

    Awwww 🙂

  2. barbara says:

    hey, thanks for stopping by, Sara! Good to see you – I don’t have the right thing to leave comments at your blog, so hope you see this. Aren’t they the cutest things?

  3. Heather says:

    Well hello there! Like the nice summery look. I think I would freak if I had been in that situation. Fortunately, I’ve never seen too many moose in the road — but then, I try not to drive too much in the dark… LOL

  4. Mary CHandler says:

    WOW!! I have never seen a wild moose. We have a lot of deer on the island that have dropped twins this year though.

  5. Oh, thanks for sharing those, Barbara! I saw a moose at Yellowstone once. But, he was old and cranky…and a bit mangy. These are beautiful!

  6. Gary says:

    Dammit, my post didn’t go through, so I had to wait til now to be off work to post it again…

    From what I gather, it was a conspiracy… Someone may have landed on the moon (or not, depending on if you listen to Coast to Coast and it’s assorted conspiracies) on that day… My mom may have been planning a baby shower that day. It may have been interrupted and my dad may have opened all her presents.

    Or so I hear. I’m sure I had nothing to do with all that…

    Or did I???

    Thanks. Had a great birthday. BTW, it’s 39 and holding now… and SOMEONE has one of those coming up in February..*Grins* Looking forward to that one too.

  7. barbara says:

    lol – we WILL remember when you turn FORTY . . . and you need to come UP HERE to give that one a hard time when SHE turns FORTY – ‘course, you’ll always be 6 months older than she. hahahahahaha

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