Daily Archives: August 21, 2008

So, my friend, Mz Kitty asked in my last post where I was – and if I was hoofing it off to Milwaukee. Wouldn’t that be loverly? Alas it is not to be – but . . . .

. . . . a little bit of self care IS in order. I’m “the boss” at work again for a couple of weeks – and it can be draining. Rewarding . . . but draining. Sooooooo I just called my sister-friend in the big city and asked if she could put up with me an extra night. I am planning a visit to her in September, but think I need to get out of town for a night now, too.

Thus the title Self Care. It’s all about taking care of yourself sometimes. It’s all about YOURSELF sometimes. Not very often, but sometimes. This is one of those times.

I probably won’t make it to Friday night knitting at Knitting Grounds, this time anyway. But, I will likely pop in on Saturday before I head back to the little city. Zaynab has just returned from several weeks away – AND – I haven’t been to the new location yet, so a visit is definitely in order.

As to why I’ve been a bit absent minded hereabouts lately – I’ve been giving my wrists a rest (say that several times really fast) – overuse in typing and knitting – and I’ve been vegging in front of the Olympics. But I have been here.

Thanks, my friend, for checking in on me. Thanks to all who comment and check in from time to time here. You haven’t seen the last of my rack – yet.

of course, this IS hunting season (bow hunting for moose) so the bull critters are hiding in the woods – one was found, though. This is what I saw in the neighbor’s driveway when I came home from work yesterday:

Can you see it?

how about now? Yup, looks like the neighbor (or one of his buds) got a nice sized bull moose. Yummy!
(no, that’s not canniblistic . . . the PurpleMoose is STUFFED, sillies!)

and, by the by . . . . be sure to go and visit Mz Kitty . . . she has cut the scrub ties and is a full time designer now. Whoot! Congrats, Kitty. Talking about self care . . . there it is.