Early this morning another series of eruptions began. I watched from the window of our breakfast spot as columns of steam and ash bellowed upwards, then fell in on themselves, only to build up again and again. Fascinating. (from a distance, of course, it is always fascinating.)

After hubby went off to work, I went back out camera in hand. The problem with bright sunny days like this is that there is just so much BLUE that the pics are not as clear as what the eye sees. And, I just have a pentax digital camera . . . it’s at times like these that I would love to have a Nikon digital with lenses and filters and such. (on my future wish list)

However, here are a couple of shots from this morning:
Mt. Redoubt 4-4-09 adjusted
I did some adjusting to this shot to cut down on some of the brightness – you can at least see the plume of steam building up and heading south towards Ninilchik and Homer.

Maybe you are wondering if we can hear Mt. Redoubt as she erupts – I mean, you gotta figure that there is SOUND, right? This story from the local newspaper gives some good background on why we do not hear the noise. We are too close!

I may try to get some more pics later tonight when the sun is setting. If the day stays clear there should be some good shots in store.

Hope you’re all well. We are fine – we are safe – and, so far today, we are ash free.