5-10-09 Hubby and I went to a Mother’s Day buffet brunch for our anniversary dinner. Okay, we really went because we were hungry – and it was at our weekend favorite place (Ginger’s in Soldotna). And, afterwards when we got the bill I realized we paid one dollar for each year we’d been married.
Yeah, I’m weird like that. Oh, and yes, that’s the sparkly shirt I bought in Anchorage.

Today we decided to drive to Homer to the south of us – because we both had an extra day off – and because it was a gorgeous day. I was hoping for some different angled pictures of Mt. Redoubt, but Cook Inlet was not cooperating – there was way too much mist to get any good shots. So, bummer on that.

However, it was a nice break from the regular stuff we do. I love the water – love the mountains – could sit (as long as I was warm) for a long time just listening to the bird sounds and the water sounds.

We drove down to the Homer Spit to see what we could see – at the end of the road.

homerdock This is the view from the parking lot at the end of the road – literally, the end of the highway on the Kenai Peninsula. No, I’m not really sure what those things in the water might be – hubby thinks maybe larger ships tie up to them – there is a walkway (we think) that leads to the dock from the third structure to the left. So, maybe he’s right. Fun to conjecture, though.

Here’s a fishing boat coming in with its catch . . . or maybe it’s just been out on a shake-down journey – making sure the boat is all . . . well, shipshape.

Hey! Wanna buy some condos? They’re for sale! Look a little tanked to me – no windows to speak of, either . . . might be a little too claustrophobic for me . . .

oh, okay . . . the sign was for these:
Yeah, I think they’re a bit ugly, too. Each to his own, I guess.

It was a nice day – we chatted, we ate (of course!), and we laughed. What more could someone ask as they start their forty first year together?