. . . you sorta know when to pick your battles.

For instance . . .

a) I have a certain way I like the towels folded – they fit into the linen closet better when folded that way. They are easier to grab on the way into the shower when folded that way. I’m used to them being folded that way (because I’ve folded them that way for years).

b) I have a certain way I like to do dishes – glassware first, then silverware, then dishes, bowls, and lastly the pots and pans. I learned that from my own mother who taught me to work your way down to the greasy items – making sure that you don’t leave grease on your glasses.

But then hubby became the stay at home partner while I work full time. He “helps out” around the house (the air quotes are his, btw). And, now I am having to come to terms with my “NEEDS” (air quotes are mine) and my “WANTS”. (again mine)

To help me out – hubby now does most of the laundry – I say most because I’ve asked him not to do my washable work clothes. (so far that has worked and nothing has been shrunk – or lost – or stained in the act.)

back to my lettering system:
a) I now find myself biting my tongue when reaching for a towel – it is not folded the way I fold it and it is in the closet differently than I would have placed it there. BUT . . . it is there and clean and waiting for me when I am ready for my shower each morning. (and I didn’t have to do the laundry)

b) Okay, on the dishes . . . well, I just have to overlook some of my own queasiness – and hubby HAS gotten better at getting them clean. I do dishes a couple of times a week – and he does them the rest of the time. And, so far neither of us has died from germs and I have not found too many greasy dishes in the cupboard.

Picking my battles . . .

Hubby mowed the lawn yesterday – wanna see?

See anything interesting? No? Look closer, please . . .



But . . . hey!!! I don’t have to cut the grass. Hubbymoose is doing a FINE job of it.

Thanks, sweetie!

3 responses

  1. Yep. Girl you pick your “battles” [the air quotes are mine] with your spouses like you pick your battles with your teenagers. Just be grateful for the help and go with the flow.

  2. barbara says:

    thanks, Shelly! 😉 The “battles” take on different shapes, don’t they?

    It’s really a win-win situation. And, I love it.

  3. Bonnie says:

    my husband likes to do dishes. we are in drought conditions, he refuses to use a dishpan. But what really drives me nuts, open doors, lights left on, chair out from his desk in the dining room. Now I’ve started to leave the dining room chair out. Smack me when I leave refrigerator door open or cupboard doors and leave lights on OK?

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