A recent poll has shown “whatever” to be at the top of the least favorite words or phrases used by people today.

“It can be an all-purpose argument-ender or a signal of apathy. And it can really be annoying. The poll found “whatever” to be consistently disliked by Americans regardless of their race, gender, age, income or where they live.”

I will admit to using the word myself . . . and, mostly I’ve used it without thinking. Since this poll and its resulting publicity I have tried to make myself more aware and have begun to temper its use – in the hopes of being less annoying to my coworkers and, more importantly, to my family.

With all of this publicity, however, I have to chime in on my least favorite, but most frequently heard, phrase these days: “now, look.”

Sound familiar? It is in almost every sound bite of President Obama’s speeches and news conferences. I thought it might end after the election . . . once he took office he would surely see it as slightly demeaning to constantly draw people’s attention to him with those two words.

However, the usage has now grown beyond President Obama. NBC’s news reporters are picking it up and using it with increasing frequency. The NBC White House reporters must hear it so often they have let it slide into their own conversation. Now with any White House report I am likely to hear it several times – from the president to the various reporters.

Maybe he’s a Ron Wood fan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Now_Look (end facetiousness)

Not sure why it bothers me so much . . . I think I find it demeaning because it sounds like I am being talked down to, looked down upon, because I don’t get – can’t grasp – haven’t SEEN whatever (WHATEVER! used appropriately in this case.) it is the speaker is drawing my attention to at that particular moment.

Anyone else? (ala Ferris Bueler’s Day Off . . . anyone, anyone, anyone???)

maybe it’s just me.