Daily Archives: January 20, 2010

Hello, friends. So, awhile back I posted about meeting Alaska’s governor, Sean Parnell. I also posted about it at ravelry.com.

What a whirlwind . . . of course, Sarah got brought into it – not sure why, but “some people” and all that can’t see beyond their partisanship. I hadn’t even mentioned her, but you know how dogs can be with their bones, right? Yeah, same way as partisan politics.

You see, I don’t have to be a D or an R to appreciate and respect a sitting government official, and to appreciate the fact that he took time out of his schedule to come see what is going on in a domestic violence shelter. That, friends, is where it is – getting out there and getting your fingers a bit dirty in the dust of the world – and, I respect that.

So, I was tickled to ask for and receive permission to have my picture taken with him – and to post it on this blog.

Then I posted it at ravelry – and got slammed because of it. Sigh.

But that is okay – I just didn’t buy into the fray and walked away from that discussion thread and considered the source. The discussion died of its own accord. (If you don’t play the game, the gamers get tired and go on for bigger/better game.)

I learned a lesson – stick to my chosen craft and knit, baby knit. It works.

Today, however, I peeked in on a thread where someone posted about the president coming to her school and look – I knit the dress I’m wearing to meet the president.

Pretty cool, huh?

Yeah, she’s getting the same treatment – people hijacking the thread to bash other people’s “politics”.

Walking away – shaking my head – someday they’ll be older and wiser, too. Right? Right?

One could only hope. Peace, my friends. Go and make a donation to Red Cross’ efforts in Haiti, or Unicef’s efforts in Haiti, or a local homeless/DV shelter, or the local food bank, or something. That thought just makes me smile. 🙂