Daily Archives: May 5, 2010

shining on me . . . talk about blue skies . . .

This shot is from April’s last weekend. Hubby and I took a drive – ended up at a park at the “end of the road” and were graced with some sun and blue skies loaded with wispy clouds. (back the other direction there was a lot of black sky to be seen)

Sometimes Alaska is so beautiful my soul just soars to the tops of trees like these – I can’t explain it, but I love it.

This shot:

was taken last weekend when it was the littlest miss’ turn to go shopping. She wanted to go to the bookstore (instead of the toy store), but first we had to look at a BIG duck at the hot tub store. It sits higher than the building so is a really BIG duck.
As we walked over to meet Paw-Paw at the bookstore we noticed the reflection of the duck in the store window. So, of course we had to get the shot.

Hope you have a wonderful day. It looks like ours is dawning with clouds and a hint of rain. The weekend is supposed to be nice, though. And, since I am taking a four day weekend to celebrate hubby’s and my anniversary, I am looking forward to a nice weekend.