Monthly Archives:May 2010

My goodness! Today would be an awesome day to make the drive down – it is GORGEOUS up here. But there are plans afoot for other things today. Hubby Moose and I had breakfast this morning after he got off work. He was a bit later than usual so I was able to finish the Word Search puzzle AND the crossword puzzle in the Anc. paper. I hardly ever do the crossword.

I promised a couple more pictures – so here you go:

We love a good play on words – so daughter needed to take this picture of me at the Alaska Islands and Ocean Visitors Center. I had never gone inside this building so we took some time to walk through the exhibits. I think it will be a must see the next time we have some of the grands with us.

The play on words? “Fresh Waters” – yeah, that’s you and Dad, Mom, says lessa. Fresh kid! hahaha (for those of you who might not know – that’s my last name.)

Not sure of the make or model – this was shot from the highway. I just thought Hubby Moose might enjoy seeing it. It is sitting in the front yard of the mom of someone I attend church with, actually, so I could ask. I’m thinking maybe a studebaker because this one sure looks close.

The machine in the background was moving that pipe into position to block off beach access to vehicles. I was taking a shot of the sign, though. Be sure NOT to feed the wildlife while in Homer, or anyplace else in Alaska, okay?

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Sad to read this morning that Governor Wally Hickel passed away last night. He was certainly an interesting man. After the ’64 quake decimated downtown Anchorage he decided to prove the land was stable and safe by building a hotel – despite naysayers. His Captain Cook Hotel stands to this day as a testament to his forsight.

In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to the Institute of the North Endowment Fund, Providence Hospital, Commonwealth North or the Alaska SeaLife Center, so that each of these organizations can continue to help the next generation of Alaskans.

Gorgeous skies and sunshine – a rare Friday off work – for both myself and oldest daughter. Road trip was in store for the day – we got her youngest onto the school bus and hubby moose into bed after his long night of work – and off we went.

Lessa has no problem with me stopping frequently to take random pictures. She usually has her camera at ready, too. In fact, she got a couple of shots I didn’t. But neither of us got pictures of the several moose we saw.

Homer is hosting their annual Shorebird Festival so there were a lot of folks out on the mud flats with scoping glasses and binoculars – birding books for identification and mud boots, of course.

We wandered out to the end of East End Road – well, we went to the end of the pavement near Voznesenka. I guess I hadn’t realized how close those fires came to homes up there last year. We saw lots of damage to the wooded land thereabouts.

And . . . while lessa and I knew that we could get garages at Garage Sales – and yards at Yard Sales . . . who knew you could get:

. . . just follow the signs . . .

More pics tomorrow.

shining on me . . . talk about blue skies . . .

This shot is from April’s last weekend. Hubby and I took a drive – ended up at a park at the “end of the road” and were graced with some sun and blue skies loaded with wispy clouds. (back the other direction there was a lot of black sky to be seen)

Sometimes Alaska is so beautiful my soul just soars to the tops of trees like these – I can’t explain it, but I love it.

This shot:

was taken last weekend when it was the littlest miss’ turn to go shopping. She wanted to go to the bookstore (instead of the toy store), but first we had to look at a BIG duck at the hot tub store. It sits higher than the building so is a really BIG duck.
As we walked over to meet Paw-Paw at the bookstore we noticed the reflection of the duck in the store window. So, of course we had to get the shot.

Hope you have a wonderful day. It looks like ours is dawning with clouds and a hint of rain. The weekend is supposed to be nice, though. And, since I am taking a four day weekend to celebrate hubby’s and my anniversary, I am looking forward to a nice weekend.

A long, long time ago . . . in a land far, far away . . . okay – it was just Ohio, but it WAS long ago (30+ years) . . .

we had a pastor who told of naming his boat “Visitation.” That way, whenever he was out fishing and a parishioner called for him his wife could honestly tell them that he was “out on visitation.” Yeah, he could tell that story from the pulpit with a straight face and pull us into it right to the end when we would all just cackle.

In fact, when we moved to Alaska and bought a boat our thoughts went right to that story when it came time to name her. (Boats and trucks are ALWAYS “her”, by the way). Hubbymoose and I owned a business then – and when you are business owners it seems like you can never get away from the shop.

If you DO manage to get away people seem to take offense that you might be out filling up your freezer instead of being at their beck and call 24×7. I was often left to answer the calls and face the upset folks – so hubby and I put our heads together along with our Alaska pastor and came up with a perfect name for the boat: On Business. That way I could always be telling the truth when calls came in and I told customers “sorry, he’s out on business.”

This all flickered through my mind when one day last week while leaving Wally’s I saw a van in the parking lot . . .

Yay! Someone had the same idea!

I love small town life in Alaska.

And, I also love rhubarb – so it’s a great sign when I see the first shoots poking up through the ground:

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummo!

Hubby took me to lunch today – was very nice. But the restaurant was busy so we decided to move on and free up a table. Hubby had some business to attend to – and I wanted to take advantage of a gorgeously clear and sunny day.

Fun on the road with a camera! 🙂

First, of course, is a new picture of Mt. Redoubt. No steam today, but she sure was pretty.

Drove down a road near the bluff and ended up in front of a friend’s house – and saw their new flower pot. (smirk)

Yeah – we live in Alaska – we make our own fun.

Headed back to work I spotted a sign that caused me to back up and take another look. This was on the dirt road that leads to some driveways. You can just about see – behind the sign – that the road is pretty chewed up – I would imagine it’s drying up from some winter deep rut driving. It caught my eye – and just pleased me.

Road healing

Sigh – I put away the camera and headed back to work. Thanks, HubbyMoose. It was fun.