Daily Archives: June 2, 2010

Slept in until nearly 7:30 this morning – unheard of for me. Must need it, I guess. Got up, dressed and rode the stationary bike for 5+ miles – just a bit over 5 – 20 minutes and a bit. This is week 3 of dusting the seat with MY seat.

Hubby came home while I was still cooling down – wanted to go get breakfast so I celaned up my act and joined him. He only has one more night at the hotel – after he gets off work tomorrow morning he will take a nap and then go to Soldotna for his orientation at the F.M. store there. He will be working as cashier in the liquor store.

Tinked around the house trying to be quiet while he slept – then decided I should just get OUT of the house so he could sleep. Hopped in the car and drove out north road just taking my time and enjoying the gorgemous spring day. Quite a bit different than the last time I drove out there – no more snow – roads all dried out. Lovely.

Stopped to take some pictures of an old International:

I love, love, LOVE these old trucks. Keeping my eye out for more as I drive about. Would love to get a whole series of pics.