Monthly Archives:June 2010

Wednesday was hubbymoose’s first full day on the register by himself. Yay! He says it was busy, but okay. I received a couple of calls from him – one during a break and the last during his “lunch” time.

While he was busy working – and despite intermittent rain – I decided to take another trip up into Cooper Landing – ended up in Seward. Actually the main reason I went on into Seward was to fuel up before heading back home.

I’ve only downloaded a few of the pictures – so this entry will be photo-lite. I sent a couple of these to ktuu for their weathercast, too.

Kenai Lake in Cooper Landing is a favorite stop. Along one pullout there are several statements by Red Smith stating the area was availble due to his efforts/generosityand the efforts/generosity of other residents – with admonitions to please clean up after yourself and not to leave diapers, etc.

Not sure how long those signs have been there, but it is a favorite stop of mine to take pictures:

Low hanging clouds and rain drops – undeterred, I continued on.

Near Seward – past Moose Pass – is Snow River Hostelwhich is a great example of a cord wood house. Pretty cool, huh?

Usually when I go places with hubbymoose I don’t do a lot of stop and go – he likes to get where we’re going. (that’s why Saturday was so nice – he was very tolerant of my stops for pictures – thanks, hubbymoose!) When I am by myself I take my time and am usually only governed by basic needs (fuel, rest stops, food).

I’ve seen this one rest area near Seward each time I’ve driven over – but have never stopped. Yesterday was a perfect day to do so. Because of the rain, not many people were stopping or gawking so it was easy to do it myself.

There’s an overlook here – with a pretty lily pond. While taking pictures I heard a weird call – thought it might be some sort of duck, but couldn’t see any. On the way home I thought maybe a moose call. Check out this link and click on the calf calls. That’s pretty close to what I head.

It’s a really pretty place – comes up kind of quick when you’re heading out of Seward – and there’s not too much parking area. So, be watchful and ready to pull in.

As I turned back toward home – I pulled over just past the turn because hubbymoose called – don’t drive and talk, friends 🙂

It was a great thing, though . . . a look over my right shoulder showed a lone tern sitting amid rain drops in a pool by the side of the road. Told hubby good-bye (better than just hanging up on him, huh?) and got out to take a few shots. Patient birdy:

Okay – that’s it for today’s daytrip – I will leave you with a picture of my daughter’s favorite sign:

After a short stint at work yesterday, I decided a “day-cation” was in order. Picked up oldest daughter and her daughters and we headed off to Homer. What a gorgeous day!

We stopped several times to take pictures (of course!) and to let everyone stretch their legs and take in some of southcentral Alaska’s beauty.

This is the bridge over Anchor River – it’s pretty narrow; cars cross one at a time. Below the bridge was some sort of equipment – I’m not really sure what it is or why it is there. Upriver from the bridge we noticed planking of some sort (looks almost like a fence lying on its side in the water) crossing the river. There were people building something as we watched.

Two men from California were standing near the bridge talking about the structure as I snapped a few pics. Then one of the state workers climbed up the bank and they asked him what was going on. The structure will funnel the fish towards the center of the river so they can be more easily counted . . . at least that was what I gathered.

Did you know that Anchor Point is the furthest westerly highway point? Yup – and here is the sign to prove it.

We had a really nice surprise when we got to the Anchor Point beach area below the sign . . .

Eagles feeding along the beach – lots of eagles and terns. I think I counted 13 eagles at one point. We were fascinated by them.

We stopped several times during our trip – gave all of us a chance to stretch and take a break from the confines of the car. It really was a beautiful day . . . capped off by a trip down into Homer, a stop at Two Sisters Bakery to get hubbymoose a loaf of multi-grain bread (and yummy ham and cheese bakes), a visit to the beach, capped off by a stop at chocolate store for some fudge to treat ourselves on the drive homeward.

From Alaska with Heart

Today has been a busy – delightful day. Met hubbymoose for breakfast when he got off work this morning. Then mid-morning I met up with two of my dear friends for a couple of hours of chatter and coffee. We laughed, talked, laughed some more, cried, talked, laughed some more. It is always a time of blessing when we get together. Thanks B and S. Love you.

Our usual Saturday afternoons are filled with shopping and lunch and grandkiddos. Today, however, we stepped outside of our box – and hubbymoose and I decided to take a drive up towards Cooper Landing.

The day was not a super sunshiny day . . . but the clouds were only spitting at us – no full downpours. Temps were warm and not too much wind. Perfect day. Lovely to spend it together.

Of course, we had the camera. 🙂

Made a stop at the Izaak Walton Campground to get a couple of shots of the Moose River.

Forget Me Nots and Dandelions . . . with bumble bees, even. Fun

Hubbymoose ventured onto the bridge over the Kenai River in Cooper Landing . . . wonder what he is looking for/at?

Rafters floating the upper Kenai River. Water is pretty high right now, so they probably stayed pretty dry. When hubbymoose, my sis and niece and I did this a few years ago – the water was lower, the “rapids” rushing . . . and we all got soaked. Great fun.

This shot was taken from the road above the Kenai River and Cooper Landing – it’s the road to the Princess Lodge. We found a nice little overlook to take some pictures.

This was a lovely interlude as hubbymoose leaves one job and starts another. We are unsure of his new schedule – he begins training early tomorrow morning.

Slept in until nearly 7:30 this morning – unheard of for me. Must need it, I guess. Got up, dressed and rode the stationary bike for 5+ miles – just a bit over 5 – 20 minutes and a bit. This is week 3 of dusting the seat with MY seat.

Hubby came home while I was still cooling down – wanted to go get breakfast so I celaned up my act and joined him. He only has one more night at the hotel – after he gets off work tomorrow morning he will take a nap and then go to Soldotna for his orientation at the F.M. store there. He will be working as cashier in the liquor store.

Tinked around the house trying to be quiet while he slept – then decided I should just get OUT of the house so he could sleep. Hopped in the car and drove out north road just taking my time and enjoying the gorgemous spring day. Quite a bit different than the last time I drove out there – no more snow – roads all dried out. Lovely.

Stopped to take some pictures of an old International:

I love, love, LOVE these old trucks. Keeping my eye out for more as I drive about. Would love to get a whole series of pics.

After a long weekend of attempts I have finally regained access to my email account. Know what popped up on my screen?

ahem . . . yes, I noticed.

So – password on that account (and on every other passworded account I own) has been changed. I’ve spent the morning trying to email and notify folks not to enter into this little fracas.

It is soooooooooo frustrating.

Hopefully nobody sent money. Trolls, I tell you . . . trolls.

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