Daily Archives: September 25, 2010

Farm, that is . . . We got our first box of veggie deliciousness Wednesday. Yummo stuffs! Hubbymoose and I washed off all the greens and bagged them for the fridge – separating out some for daughters.

Here’s what was in the box:
Green Leaf Lettuce, Organic – 1 each
Golden Beets, Organic – 1 bunch
Green Chard, Organic – 1 bunch
Bunched Carrots, Organic – 1 bunch
Red Radishes, Organic – 1 bunch
Cucumbers, Organic – 1 each
Escarole, Organic – 1 bunch
Napa Cabbage, Organic – 1 each
Dapple Dandy Pluots, Organic – 4 each
Nectarines, Organic – 3 each
Tosca Pears, Organic – 4 each
Gala Apples, Organic – 4 each

Can we all say, YUMMO! ?

We’ve had salad every day – and last night I roasted the golden beets. Chopped them up into bite sized pieces, chopped an onion into wedges, put them into a baggie with olive oil, salt, peppeer and some garlic. Shook them to cover all and placed onto a baking sheet. Baked at 350 until golden brown and soft. (about 40 minutes)

That’s some good eatin’ there, folks!

Tonight I am making stuffed cabbage rolls with the napa cabbage. Mixing some ground turkey with mild sausage, rice, chopped onion, and spices. Will bake covered in tomato sauce. Serving with a big salad with chopped pear and gorgonzola cheese.

Have I mentioned here that I am trying to get a bit healthier? I’ve been riding my stationary bike for several months now, and have been trying to watch what I eat. But now it is time to get a lot more serious about it.

Got some “bad” news from the doctor a couple of weeks ago. My blood sugar was out of the range he wanted it – so I have an appointment with him Wednesday to see where we are going with that. Am hoping to be put on an oral med and told to watch the numbers for a period of time when it can be reevaluated. I think if the weight keeps coming off (17 pounds since December – yay, me!) that I will be able to go off any medication and just keep watching it.

In the meantime, hubbymoose, lessa, and ladybug (and families) are enjoying lots of good, nutritious, yummy freshness.