Monthly Archives:September 2010

yup – supposed to be cleaning . . . and will start that soon. (heh – soon = the thirteenth month) But wanted to share these first. Hubby and I went to breakfast this morning and passed the local high school, home of the Kenai Kardinals.

Today is football homecoming. Last night was the bonfire. I didn’t get a picture yesterday of the HUGE pile of pallets and other woodstuffs, unfortunately. But – this is all that is left. And, it is still smoking.

The trail of smoke is lost in this picture because we are having a good old Irish-type mizzle. (cross between mist and drizzle) Today is likely to be a very muddy, slippery game.

But, the pep club is ready – there are balloons on the bleachers and the avenue of flags is limply fluttering – only breeze is from passing cars. The sign in the front of the school urges Success.

In the center of the parking lot sits evidence from a homecoming activity that must have taken place last night during the bonfire:

as always, click for larger versions

Looks like the Homer Mariners are in for a psyched up team and fan base today. And, it appears the team spirit is alive and well. So, GO KARDS!!! I hope it is a good game – a safe game – a well-played game.

Won’t see this here in Kenai for another year . . . as the summer winds down, and the leaves fall, and the berries ripen we are seeing more and more boats being put back up in boatyards. A friend is traveling with her hubby this weekend to take the motorhome out one last time before winterization. Another is heading down Homer way to take their boat out for just one more time.
I’m hoping they have really nice weather. The sun is currently shining brightly in Kenai, but we’ve had days of heavy, wet fog, causing flight delays and travel worries. Today dawned with fog, but set further back across the Inlet toward Mt. Redoubt and the others. We can handle that.

I’ve had a busy week – well, since Tuesday, anyway – at work. My boss has been on leave this week. That, of course, means that what WILL happen DOES happen. Nicely enough, the things that came up were taken care of, although a couple did require a call to my boss for direction.

Next week she will be in the big city for two days of meetings. Things back here will go on as usual, with a few surprises thrown in, I’m sure.

For weekend plans we are going to be a bit boring. We are cleaning house and getting ready for an appraisal on Monday. Yay! House cleaning! (haha) But, the up side of that is . . . a clean house!
Hope your weekend is a good one. And, thanks to all who commented on Jars in my previous post. I appreciate your feedback.

Clay vessels lined up on the shelf
Receptacles for hearts’ desires
Candied treats or forensic evidence?
Genie in a bottle (nods – yes, Master)

Stores of little boy treasures sit next
To his mama’s berry preserves
Hiding in jars of all shapes and sizes
Filled with love and care – once upon a time

There are all manner of trifles waiting
To be rediscovered by any who can see
Rocks and shells lovingly collected
From beaches walked with you

Reminders of long ago days
Long ago joys – of long ago us
Time to open the jars? There are
Hearts tucked inside waiting

(by the moose in her own name)
for Velvet Verbosity prompt Jars

How foggy was it at YOUR house this morning? The following pictures were taken after a lot of the fog had burned off in the early morning sun. Granddaughter and I were headed to early worship service when two joggers came out of the fog toward us.

Now? The fog is all gone . . . and so are the joggers. Happy trails.

Lessa and I took a day trip to A-town Friday – she is looking for a dres to wear to her bff’s wedding in October and I wanted to meet an online ( friend. It “just so happened” that we both had days off together and could make it a fun trip.

Lessa and I ALWAYS have fun together . . . . warning – this post will be heavily laden with pics. We were asked how long of a drive it was from Kenai to A-town. The answer? The way WE drive? Abour 4 hours – we stop along the way to take pictures of whatever fancies us.

Yesterday was perfect! Kenai Lake was gorgous – some fog, which adds to the pictures – and flat, which aids in reflectability.

above pics were taken at the pullout in Cooper Landing. Following pics were taken at a beach camping area.

Glorious day! One lone duck swimming very quickly across the water. And, just look at all those golden leaved trees! It’s true – fall is upon us.

After Cooper Landing we were content to take in the sights with just our eyes, not so much with the camera. However, as we drove along Turnagain Arm we caught up with an Alaska Railroad train heading towards Anchorage also. I rolled down my window and took pictures as we passed the train – then we pulled into a pull-out spot and caught the train from the front. Why, yes, I do live in Alaska – and I do make my own fun.

from the back:

The following are from a pull-out further up the road – this time the train is coming toward us.

and, the end . . .
