Daily Archives: December 6, 2010

I am heading to bed – have to be up early to fix breakfast for a couple of the grandkiddos before Paw-Paw gets home from his overnight shift to take them to school.

Before I go, however, I just wanted to let you all in on some thankfulness I have tonight.

Hubbymoose and I have had some unavoidable medical expenses since July. We are insured through my employer – mine is covered, but hubby’s costs over $1000 each month. Add to that our deductible each calendar year we are spending $20,000+ before the benefits kick in.

But we are thankful to have the insurance – not many people these days have insurance at all – nevertheless, it does bite into the wallet.

Each October I have to have an MRI on my kidneys – followup on the kidney cancer from three years ago. This year our portion of the bill was over $2000. Last time I paid it off a bit each month and finished paying in late summer this year. I was grateful the hospital allowed me to do it in payments.

Figured I would have to do the same this year – and sent in a sizeable down payment to get things started. Then I got a letter from the hospital offering a 25% discount if it could be paid by Dec. 20th. Hubby and I dug deep and pooled some resources and took advantage of the offer.


Hubby has been being seen by several doctors for his foot since July. We’ve had to make payments, but have been able to see them decrease. Awhile back one of the docs gave us a sizeable discount – we scrimped that month to pay it off.

It just happened again – got the bill Saturday with a nice discount offered.

We paid it – gratefully.

We have an awesome God – and His people are listening to His promptings. Tonight? Color me thankful.